Rosie O'Donnell the Shark murderer. And Mark the Shark charters

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Good Lord I went to their website and it gives a clear warning for people who may be faint of heart or small children or PETA people. If anyone does not like it don't look at their site. If I see something on TV I don't like I don't watch it.

You do realize that it is not the website but the business being done by the owners of the website that is the issue? Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not happening.
Yes it is ILLEGAL to kill species of Sharks starting Jan 1 2012 FWC News: Tiger shark, hammerhead protections start Jan. 1

This brings up another question. If murder was legal would you do it? and If yes, then you support the killing of these sharks and the depletion of the scarce ocean resources we have available.

Yes the website is atrocious. Most people would rather turn a cheek and run from an issue than THINK about something and strive for change. It is a sick sad world we live in. I understand hunters will always hunt. But the glorification of killing apex predators that are NEEDED for ocean sustainability is horrible.

It's easy to say "keep on killing Mark" and make yourself feel better for 2 seconds, but when your grandchildren or great grandchildren dont have this beautiful planet to enjoy. You can only blame yourself.
And Mark brags about killing over 10000 sharks and he says "If they counted the babies inside thier stomachs I would have easily over 100,000" This man should be charged with a crime.
Well then turn him in. Why are you wasting your time posting this here. If you're as concerned as say you are, inform fish and game in Florida and get him! Put a stop to his illegal business and be a hero.
This IS the shark forum (which I always thought encouraged awareness)

I was gonna post this myself. Glad SA took the heat I guess. I would have thought the entire forum would have been outraged at R.O. I saw more of the story. This has been a regular family outing for her. Kudos to JA for getting the word out.
Thanks for moving to shark forum. I tried looking for one on here but couldnt find it.
Since we are back to he is doing nothing wrong. More power to Mark the Shark, rock on!
Are you for real? Or do you advocate turning our oceans into .....never mind. I see you don't live here. I've been diving South Florida and the Bahamas for over 35 years. It hurts to see how much it has changed.
I don't know if it is true, I'll do some research, but I was told the algae growth is somehow connected to the demise of the apex predators.
This IS the shark forum (which I always thought encouraged awareness)

I was gonna post this myself. Glad SA took the heat I guess. I would have thought the entire forum would have been outraged at R.O. I saw more of the story. This has been a regular family outing for her. Kudos to JA for getting the word out.

It started in the "Basic Scuba Discussion Forum". It got moved here later on.
Its just sad. I mean youre always going to have the Ted Nugents in the crowd. Its funny though how they dont care about anyone but themselves (possibly not even that).

I was shocked how many people were on the other side of the argument on this. But mostly people from out of state(Florida). These are the people that dream to come here and pillage our ecosystems but yet we rely on them for industry.
It started in the "Basic Scuba Discussion Forum". It got moved here later on.
I know that now. Perhaps now we will see more pro environment replies.
Its just sad. I mean youre always going to have the Ted Nugents in the crowd. Its funny though how they dont care about anyone but themselves (possibly not even that).

I was shocked how many people were on the other side of the argument on this. But mostly people from out of state(Florida). These are the people that dream to come here and pillage our ecosystems but yet we rely on them for industry.
LOL. Define irony.

As for Nugent, I don't believe the animals go to waste. I grew up in NY. My Dad was a hunter. NY like most States I believe limit how much game can be taken and essentially are culling for the best interests of the animal population. Not sure, as I only shoot paper and clay targets myself.

Shocking is right. I can't believe the replies to your post. The comments in the Post were more supportive of your statements.

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