From my personal observation during of the course of my life it is clear to me, that government officials at all levels, work night and day on different ways to pick the pockets of the people they swore to serve, in the name of serving them, of course. If they can fool those same people into believing that someone else is paying, in this case divers then the ploy usually works.
If a town beer tax for example was tried in addition to what is already charged for beer, the uproar would put the idea to death in a few days. Far more people drink beer than dive. Simple numbers. These SOBs are expert at manipulating their constituents, which is why most of them are attorneys.
If a town beer tax for example was tried in addition to what is already charged for beer, the uproar would put the idea to death in a few days. Far more people drink beer than dive. Simple numbers. These SOBs are expert at manipulating their constituents, which is why most of them are attorneys.