Suggestion Revival of old threads

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Just a suggestion, but would it be possible to prevent someone from reviving a 6 month or older thread until they have a certain number of posts under their belt. I've seen too many brand new posters search for an old topic and comment on it even though the last post was months to years ago.

Just a thought.
Too right, El Orans. It's probably the same folks who complain that newbies should "Do a search!" before posting a common question, who then criticize them for reviving the old thread they found when they searched.
It would not be desirable to forbid reviving old threads in any case; sometimes people have real new information to add.

Exactly right! People ask a question and get slammed for not "doing a search". Can't blame them for adding or asking more questions on an old one...Isn't there a function that tells you that it's been X amount of months since someone posted in this hread???
Just don't revive the ones in which I've embarrassed myself!
But heck, that's not just old threads.
Dude, relax! You haven't embarrassed your much more than a thousand times so far. Your good to go! :D
It's not like people revive old thread for sport or something. :popcorn:
One thing that might help is to display the date the thread was started in thread listings, maybe right under the thread name along with the thread originator. This makes it more obvious a thread is old, rather than just showing the last posting date.
All good points. Guess we should keep threads available to newbies. I've just seen a thread or two about an equipment brand opinion from 2004 that was revived with some rather useless subjective comment from a first time poster four years later.

On the other hand, you all make the good point that it is better to educate and bring up old topics from time to time for the newbies.
I'll put this one on my calender...June 13th, 2012 :D
I see no harm in reviving old threads- especially given some people's tendency to say" do a search".
I also second bleeb's suggestion about indicating the "start date " of a thread, as well as the "most recent post".

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