Reply from Viking re: Oriskany ripoff

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Diver Dennis:
Oh, I agree with you but it seems counter productive to keep bashing these two. Let's focus and move on to the main problem here.
Yep. and its not just there, or on wrecks.
we just had a spearfisher stick a very big, very protected animal. Not only did he bring it on board, but the Capt just told him to throw it back.
stupidity running rampant, and it is just hard to sit back and not point out sometimes.
So now it's a conspiracy!?! Criminal larceny?!?! :shakehead

You telling me that that piece of junk that the hapless diver pulled out from so deep inside the wreck that probably only 1/200-300, if that, divers on her would have the skill and experience to get to, much less care about when they did, is worth >$5,000? Cause that's the legal definition of criminal larceny, you know... Though you probably don't. It's easier to just keep spouting the same old tired lines that the masses are being spoon-fed by the few with an agenda (even if that agenda is nothing more than getting some attention), than to actually put in the time to do the research and gain full understanding of the subject, not to mention actually making the dives.

You are not correct and I do know. What you consider junk being removed is still a violation of the law. I don't know what you do or did for a living but I do know what I'm referring to. I have no agenda except I would have preferred to see the gauges where they were instead of where they are. Mr. Sleepy stated in his original post that the Captain directed him to the location. That makes him a conspirator. The value of larceny is dependant upon which state the crime occurred in. I would imagine when the Feds are paying thousands for a hammer, that 4 gauges are well in excess of $5000. Stick to what you know and I'll stick to what I know.
Don Wray:
You are not correct and I do know. What you consider junk being removed is still a violation of the law.

So is speeding...

I don't know what you do or did for a living but I do know what I'm referring to.

Until someone produces the original invoice for the said panel, adjusts the cost for 50yrs of depreciation, and ends up with a total of >$5000, it's not larceny if lifted. Since the item in question was written off in the first place, chances are it's scarcely worth anywhere close to that. So your claim of knowing what you're referring to doesn't seem to hold water.

I have no agenda except I would have preferred to see the gauges where they were instead of where they are.

I didn't say the agenda was yours. I made a reference to certain members of the mob (perhaps including yourself) simply spouting the lines they're being spoon-fed. I clearly remember reading very similar words to those you typed being in the drivel being generated by CDNN - themselves an organization that has broken the copyright and privacy laws more times than I care to count.

Stick to what you know and I'll stick to what I know.

That's precisely what I'm doing...
someone earlier made a crack about Mt Everest disappearing if one person takes a rock from the summit.
Now multiple that rock by thousands, if not TENS OF THOUSANDS of rocks disappearing. apply to the wrecks we dive, viola.

Do you honestly think every diver that dives this wreck would go and take a blowtorch down to cut off some piece of the wreck? It's over 800 ft long! I've never heard of *any* wreck in existence that has disappeared because people kept taking stuff off of it. You have officially jumped off the deep end in my book and have entered the world of 'completely irrational' regarding this topic.
Yes, speeding is a violation to which I have very often taken action against. I have never read CDNN. I do know I would rather see the gauges and telephone where they were and for you to have that opportunity instead of Mr. Sleepy having them on his coffee table. I don't think after 30 years I need explain my experience in legal matters to you. The Captain, after learning of the larceny, directed Mr. Sleepy to the telephone thus becoming a conspirator. I do not care if you ever dive the O, but if you decided to, would you not rather see the items in place than knowing that someone had taken them for their own satisfaction.
Until someone produces the original invoice for the said panel, adjusts the cost for 50yrs of depreciation, and ends up with a total of >$5000, it's not larceny if lifted.

"All recyclable materials of value have been previously removed"

The stated weights, I believe, were 7 and 5 lbs respectively of the items taken. So the value falls to basic scrap metal rates. I don't know their current rates, but lets just assume the numbers that the ships were going for on average between 1987 and 1994... $108/ton [since the pennies per ton in the later years wouldn't be very respectable].

12 lbs, at $108/ton amounts to stolen property of a value somewhere around 65 cents.
Raise your hand if you believe that illegal and wrong are synonymous.

If you were to dive a wreck that had had stuff removed, but didn't know it, is your appreciation of the wreck affected? Has any harm been done? Is there any loss? Or does this only bother you because you read about it on the Interwebnette? That is, would you have ever noticed something was missing?
Larceny \Lar"ce*ny\, n.; pl. Larcenies. [F. larcin, OE.
larrecin, L. latrocinium, fr. latro robber, mercenary, hired
servant; cf. Gr. (?) hired servant. Cf. Latrociny.] (Law)
The unlawful taking and carrying away of things with
intent to deprive the right owner of the same; theft. Cf.

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