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Everytime you apply suntan lotion you're a racist. "What? you don't like white"? Or Pinoys applying that whitening cream..."what? you don't like brown"? :D See what I mean? How far do you take the definition? I think it's healthy to discuss with a different color/ culture person the differences between him/her and me. We laugh about it on the job in Belize. No worries. It leads to better understanding. And that's a good thing. :D

I wear sun-screen, because I don't want to get skin cancer.

This discussion is about the entire group of divers that was refered to as being a group of bad divers and it mentioned their home country. The poster then went on to say that all divers from this place are bad divers.

I don't see how to call this "not racist"

This pretty much is the DEFINITION of racism... Condemning a whole race of people as being bad divers.

People in this country used to discuss the differences between people on the job... They would make fun of Polish people and have a slew of jokes about them... People didn't let Black people do the same thing as white people because they were black.

I guess what you're saying that it's "ok discuss cultural differences" is true, if it's in an academic sort of open discussion regarding the culture or perhaps the rites, etc. But to condemn the group crosses a line.

It was this quote that made me post a reply in the first place
Other nationalities aren't so sensitive to political correctness like the USA

Maybe this is true... But I think this quote itself isn't a healthy way to look at americans. I don't think that I am a "typical american" or for that matter a "typical anything" ... I guess, I also think that "typical" is really short for "stereotypical" which to me seems closed minded.
It's not a fight... It's called intellectual discourse.

I'm not angry about anything, and I don't think that Hank is angry either.

This is a forum... Isn't that what people do??? Discuss things?
Other nationalities aren't so sensitive to political correctness like the USA when it comes to talking about races. Good or bad...???....It's kind of refreshing when differences can be discussed with no one taking offense. But I guess SB will keep this "up" to US standards.

Correction ... SB will keep this "up" to SB standards.

There are plenty of "American" web sites where you can make all the racist statements you want ... ScubaBoard isn't one of them.

The rules here are clearly spelled out in the Terms of Service that you agreed to abide to when you joined the board.

It has nothing to do with "American" ... this is a worldwide community. It has everything to do with the standards that the owners of this board have set for participation here.

If it bothers you, there are plenty of other forums on the Internet that will accommodate a broader standard of what's "acceptable" ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
where you can make all the racist statements you want ... ScubaBoard isn't one of them.

It has nothing to do with "American" ... this is a worldwide community. It has everything to do with the standards that the owners of this board have set for participation here.

If it bothers you, there are plenty of other forums on the Internet that will accommodate a broader standard of what's "acceptable" ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Why thanks. Now I'm a racist? You insist that it's a world wide community. But obviously the Pinoys that frequent SB see these types of discussions in a different light than you or the TOS. That's all I'm pointing out. Now if it was the "world community" that you say it is, you may try to understand that rather than condemn it. As you pointed out in another forum as to why other countries don't like America and it's justified, well....this is an example. And for the record Bob, I believe I'm a bit more experienced in the world community than you.
Looking back, I can definitely see how someone would be offended by the discussion because it generalized too much. I guess they were justified to pull the thread. I don't think it was meant to be racist but when you speak in generalities you run that risk. Sometimes what we mean to say gets distorted when we open our mouths or type on our keyboards. Sorry if anyone took it the wrong way.
Why thanks. Now I'm a racist?
Nope ... I have no idea how you made that connection based on what I said. Your previous post stated that we were imposing "US" rules ... I'm pointing out that we're imposing "SB" rules, that those rules are clearly stated, and that you agreed to abide by them when you joined the board.

So what's the complaint?

You insist that it's a world wide community. But obviously the Pinoys that frequent SB see these types of discussions in a different light than you or the TOS. That's all I'm pointing out. Now if it was the "world community" that you say it is, you may try to understand that rather than condemn it. As you pointed out in another forum as to why other countries don't like America and it's justified, well....this is an example.
And I'm pointing out that it's irrelevent ... it's not the Pinoys place to redefine the Terms of Service. It's not mine either ... that's the perogative of the people who pay the bills to keep this board up and running. They aren't "up for debate" ... this isn't a democracy, it's a business. If you don't like the product and service, you are free to take your business elsewhere. If you wish to be a part of this forum, it's your responsibility to do so within the boundaries of behavior that you agreed to when you joined.

And for the record Bob, I believe I'm a bit more experienced in the world community than you.
Possibly ... but how would you know? More to the point, why do you think that matters?

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Possibly ... but how would you know? More to the point, why do you think that matters?

That was pretty much my point too... Why should it matter where, what culture, or what planet even (I love this reference to other planets, since we are all Earth residents)...
Please guys...I'm getting a headache from all of this.

Can we please just listen to Kim and wait for the final ruling from Net Doc or Tech Admin? Thanks guys.

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