Hank49:Everytime you apply suntan lotion you're a racist. "What? you don't like white"? Or Pinoys applying that whitening cream..."what? you don't like brown"?See what I mean? How far do you take the definition? I think it's healthy to discuss with a different color/ culture person the differences between him/her and me. We laugh about it on the job in Belize. No worries. It leads to better understanding. And that's a good thing.
I wear sun-screen, because I don't want to get skin cancer.
This discussion is about the entire group of divers that was refered to as being a group of bad divers and it mentioned their home country. The poster then went on to say that all divers from this place are bad divers.
I don't see how to call this "not racist"
This pretty much is the DEFINITION of racism... Condemning a whole race of people as being bad divers.
People in this country used to discuss the differences between people on the job... They would make fun of Polish people and have a slew of jokes about them... People didn't let Black people do the same thing as white people because they were black.
I guess what you're saying that it's "ok discuss cultural differences" is true, if it's in an academic sort of open discussion regarding the culture or perhaps the rites, etc. But to condemn the group crosses a line.
It was this quote that made me post a reply in the first place
Other nationalities aren't so sensitive to political correctness like the USA
Maybe this is true... But I think this quote itself isn't a healthy way to look at americans. I don't think that I am a "typical american" or for that matter a "typical anything" ... I guess, I also think that "typical" is really short for "stereotypical" which to me seems closed minded.