Thanks! (It doesn't look like the basic D2 is sealed in the pictures, but can't tell for sure.) Anyway, I was just curious. I took the PADI equipment specialist course and was glad to learn about how to make the minor adjustments to regulator performance, but after taking a regulator apart and putting one back together (not mine), I realized I am happy to pay for someone else's time and tools to deal with a full service. I could do it, but I imagine it would look like most of my home improvement projects -- (1) start; (2) realize I need a different tool; (3) buy different tool; (4) realize it is still the wrong tool and buy new one; (5) break one of the parts in the kit; (6) buy new kit; (7) finally finish it OK, but wish I had just paid someone else to do it.
I just find the whole "black box" aspect of regulator schematics, parts, and servicing very odd.