---------- Post added January 10th, 2014 at 04:29 PM ---------There is an old story in the machine shop circles when it comes to knowing things. The way it goes is something like this. A large manufacturer had a multimillion dollar machine go down. No one in the plant could fix it. The company did not want to send someone to get the proper training to do it because it would have cost them a couple grand. So they had to call in an "Expert" from the machine mfg. He walked around the machine, took a few measurements, looked at the way it was set up, and asked the operator a few questions. He then took a piece of chalk out of his pocket, drew an x, and borrowed a 3 lb sledge and hit it. Right on the x. And the machine immediately started running like brand new. The "Expert" then handed the owner a bill for three thousand and four dollars. Three grand to hit the damn machine the owner asked. No said the expert. Four dollars to hit it. Three thousand to know where. Should have gotten the training huh?
I actually had this happen with an early Reece buttonhole machine and a smaller hammer. The figures way back then were $1 to hit it, and $100 for knowing where to hit it. It was an expensive lesson for the time, but from that point forward, I never needed an expert for that particular problem.