I have. I have also put "much effort" into making SB appealing to divers who spend the money. Can you imagine what nefarious intents I must have up my sleeve to make SB appealing to everyone! Oh my! Oh the drama in the making! Someone call the Scuba Inquisition!You have put in much effort to make your board more appealing to entities that make $$$ through scuba.
Making money on your services is as American as Apple Pie. The shop does it. I do it. You probably do it too, although I doubt you'll admit to that. When a mistake is made, it's not always about dishonesty. I get your need to eviscerate every dive shop that makes a mistake by telling the world how corrupt they must be, but in reality, it was probably a simple communications error. Yeah, I get that doesn't meet your drama quotient for the thread, but don't most issues boil down to just simple misunderstandings? Why complicate it further? Oh, I also get the need for posturing on the interwebs. There seems to be an inherent need among a few posters to show the world that YOUR standards are simply the best and that you only have the best interest of the readers in mind when you say things that must be said. Shenanigans. It's my humble opinion that the overly negative people of the world and that would include you, are that way simply to feed their ego. I could be wrong, but that's my heart felt opinion. I think you have a right to express that opinion just as I have the right to point out that I disagree with it. Of course, the best defense is a good offense, so you counter that by suggesting that I do this out of greed. You're not out for the truth: you're out to protect your ego. Wise men speak because they have something to say. Fools speak because they have to say something.
Here's the truth, as I see it. The OP was clearly frustrated by the LDS and he should be. No one wants a bill higher than they were expecting. Several people have judged this LDS to be dishonest and he has come out a few times indicating he does not feel this is the case. A few people, such as yourself, are doing their level best to convince the OP that this is indeed fraud and that the dive shop in question is as dishonest as the day is long all based on the fact that you think this is true. Shenanigans. Next, you'll be advising him to contact the FBI's fraud squad and get this LDS shut down quick before cats start cohabiting with dogs and the world, as we know it, comes to an end.
Communication is a two way street. If I bring in my regs and tell the man to service it, I might be thinking one thing and he's thinking another. I'm thinking that I want it cleaned and new o-rings and seals installed and he's thinking that he needs to make it completely safe. It only makes sense to get your expectations down in writing with clear instructions on how to contact you if it exceeds $X before you leave. It's just that simple. Many shops, not just LDSes, have this problem and I've seen the "Misunderstanding Dance" happen all over the place. That's why if I don't have anything in writing, I come in prepared to pay a bigger bill. I just had my bicycle serviced at the local shop here in Key Largo. I asked them to replace the innertubes and take care of the chain. I was thinking that they would be cleaning and oiling the chain, but when I picked it up, I had a brand new chain. Rather than berate the guy, I simply thanked him. He brought out the old chain and showed me places where the links had jammed together. When I finally got on the bike, I was surprised at how much better it peddled. I would recommend that shop in a heart beat if you want your bike in tip top shape. BTW, I could have done all that myself, but I just didn't feel like it. I'm glad I was being lazy.