What kind of regs did you have in mind, what do you currently use? I'm supposing you want to work on stuff that is similar or the same as your primary set.
If you're just wanting something to practice on, I've seen regs on ebay dirt cheap, they may not be ones that fetch a pretty penny, but they are definitely good regs. There is plenty of stuff out there that could be had for as cheap as $10-$50.
Also keep your eye out at garage sales and craigslist. I've had people give me old crusty corroded stuff that they deemed as "junk" and I've torn it down, cleaned everything, sourced parts, and got the stuff running.
Part of the fun is learning about what you can get parts for easily and what is more of a challenge. The most fun is trying to get parts for regs that are the most forbidden and tightly regulated. Upon successfully getting parts off the black market or a back alley deal it gives you a great sense of getting away with some sort of no no and sticking it in the face of the parts police.
It's actually a very addicting hobby.