I don't know where in the SFV you are located, but depending on which end of the valley you are in, for the sheer convenience factor, I can recommend either Sport Chalet in West Hills or Aloha Dive in Woodland Hills. Both have their own pools, and both have some good instructors.craic dub:I am wondering if anyone could give me a recommendation of a good (cheap but fun) instructor, which could give me refresher?
I dont have any gear - not even fins or a mask... any recommendations?
For the more central parts of the valley, Hollywoodivers (across the street from Universal Studios) is a fantastic shop with very good instructors, and I have heard good things about Danny at West Coast Divers Supply in Van Nuys, but neither of these shops has their own pool.
Reefseekers is an excellent shop, but not as convenient to the valley as the other locations. YMMV, depending on your precise location.