During the past several weeks we encountered green morays on the southern sites on at least 8 different dives. On one dive, at an unmarked sited south of Margate Bay, I had one follow me for most of the dive. It would swim up to me, act shy, then swim off into the abyss. A few minutes later it would swim back from a slightly different direction and repeat the process of checking me out then swimming away again. I stopped counting around the 10th time it did this. It was fascinating, but a bit unsettling because I never knew what direction (usually behind and below me) that it would come from next.
Yesterday we encountered a big green guy under a small coral head in the shallows while diving our way back to shore from Salt Pier. It's the only time I can remember encountering a green moray in really shallow water. It's great to see them back again and apparently thriving!
I've seen suspicious behaviour (actively swimming up to a diver to nearly touching distance) a couple of times on the Northern sites beyond BOPEC. These are still good spots for Lionfish hunters, and I suspect the Morays have started to associate divers with free lunch...