OK, a serious answer to a somewhat deteriorating thread:
I have a RED Sea Vision mask.
It is the mask I wear on EVERY dive. I have many others and sometimes carry a backup but I wear the Red one.
I ADORE it! It fits well, it has the stock Guage Reader lenses (+2 I think?) I like them because they are located in RIGHT place and are larger than the SLIVERS that other masks come with.
The RED Lens is now imperceivable to me (until I put on a clear mask! YUCK!)
I use it for night dives, Cooper River (Zero VIZ) everything. NO problems!
Get one, Wear one, throw away everything else.
I even think their DEFOG s the BEST!
(They recomend to use ONLY their brand! $2.50 at Divers Direct).
I can't wait until Sea Vision starts

sending me compensation checks!