Are you a recreational diver? or a solo deep wreck diver? Both?
Do you have any cool stories on why the gear looks like that?
"100 ft of line isn't enough for the diving that I do on deep wrecks."
My bad, the "Solo dives to deep wrecks" is considered recreational?
Some solo deep wreck divers prefer a twinset or independent doubles like sidemount.
Your single tank setup is probably not ideal for solo deep wreck
Why do you need a longer line for a deep wreck?
Are you running a navigation line from the shot line to the wreck?
Do you have any other reel other than the manta?
"I'd prefer the rubber keeper on the D ring rather than a metal clip on my regulator."
Why? is it like a Pepsi vs. Coke thing?
A metal or plastic clip on the regulator is cleaner, easier and more versatile than that rubber thing.
Your preference is entertaining. This thread is entertainment.
"I tried that, the bottle was too close and too tight,"
That is because you have that metal ring on the tank neck. Metal rings are notorious for having a fixed diameter. A girth hitch comes in any length. And it has the advantage of eliminating the metal-on-metal connection.
The metal ring on the clamp is an interesting choice. I can't figure out why it exists, but it looks old school steampunk cool and you are still alive. If I didn't know better, it kind of looks like 40 years of pony bottle rigging patch jobs instead of a well though out process.
Have you ever thought of cleaning the whole setup from scratch instead of the incremental improvements?
The shears can go right in the waste bin, why even take them if you don't oil and test them? Or you were being funny with the Nixon joke.
So either you do maintain the shears and use them and you were joking or you don't maintain them or use them and then they are just unnecessary clutter on your inflator hose.
Do you think that the inflator hose might be a bit too long?
What would happen if it was shorter? And what if you run a bungee loop where the Dring or plastic buckle goes in the webbing. You can inflate (and toot the horn) and deflate by pulling the wing dump valve or unstow the inflator and release air that way.
A shorter hose also allows for easier oral BCD inflation. and you can get rid of the retractor
I like big knives, can you get a leg strap for it like the bond movies?
It might be better placed in the save-a-dive kit with your spare mask.
Lots of sidemount divers use a necklace for the second regulator. Most twinset divers have a longhose and spare on the necklace to enable primary regulator donate for air share, but you are doing deep solo wreck dives so you don't need that.
This stage rigging is only for extremely confident divers like you, the rest of the recreational divers reading this should probably practice on easier gear configurations.
I don't have the elevated skillset or glorious mustache to dive your configuration.
You do seem to have an answer for everything.