First thing, make sure that Helium is available wherewhere you are planning to go

All the names you mantioned, plus the couple others mentioned, are great instructors. There are 4 GUE Tech 1 instructors in Los Angeles alone, all great instructors, I'd recommend any of them though I like some more than others. Not all of them can get helium for the class at this time, though. So, this is an important detail, factor this one in. Logistics are critical for Tech 1 class.
For very patient, very calm instructor, I'd highly recommend Steve Millington in Los Angeles. I might be biased but I love his approach. From what I know, Bob Sherwood has similar style but I haven't had class with him. Helium in Los Angeles would be a huge issue at this time. Don't know how Bob is doing with Helium right now. You could always arrange any instructor to fly to tropical destination but that usually means expensive gas. Few instructors would even be willing to use their miles for flights. Aruba is great for Tech 1 if you ignore the cost of helium (and you gotta make sure it's available).