^^ How do you pack your 30/40 when you travel via airlines?
Interesting question. In my case, I don't. I have no interest in taking a bottle with me when I travel by air. I rent at my destination. If a 30/40 is not available, I will use a 63. If that isn't available, I will take a second 80 along. If I am diving in the 100-130 ft range, having a second 80 is not bad, anyway. Now, to be fair, I also travel with sidemount rigging, and can switch to that configuration as necessary. (I know, a logical question might be - which is more cumbersome, a 19 cf cylinder, or some additional gear. For me, it is a bottle. For others, preferences may vary.)
For the OP, I didn't have a sense from your post that travel is a factor. But, since you did also mention shallower dives, in the 40-80 ft range, a smaller bottle than a 30 /40 could possibly fit the bill. Going back to something pointed out in earlier posts, your selection depends on what you are planning to do with the pony, the conditions under which you will be using it, your own gas consumption profile.
---------- Post added February 16th, 2014 at 10:23 AM ----------
I make it quite clear that my primary reg is mine and mine alone. I WILL NOT be tied to another diver by a too short piece of hose and be subjected to their subsequent bad decisions.
Interesting perspective. I am curious - in those situations where you do dive with others, and have an octo, is your decision, that the primary is yours alone, based primarily / entirely on the hose length?
I am self sufficient, totally redundant, and I don't need, nor do I want any other divers "help".
Kudos to you. I wish more divers would adopt this attitude, and plan for it. It doesn't have to mean that you refuse to / don't want to dive with others. Rather, it means you are going to be a good buddy, someone that the other diver does not have to worry about.
Neither. I would calmly reach to my shoulder and pull my pony's octo reg from the ScumBall holder (where it has been kept clear and clean as a whistle) and start breathing from it.
And, that is certainly practical. The only area where my preferences diverge is with regard to maintaining an octo, even when I am diving with a pony. In the event of losing access to my primary air supply / reg for a reason other than catastrophic failure - my primary reg gets yanked / kicked out of my mouth, or I want to shoot a bag - I like having an identical alternate available on a necklace, because I can go to it quickly and easily. For me, that is quicker to access than my pony, which is pressurized but turned off. But, that is a matter of personal preference.