The pony thread got me to thinking, not sure if this belongs here or in Basic and I didn't want to hijack the recent pony thread.
Let's say I'm REC diving a Pony with a buddy. Can I ditch the OCTO, use the pony as the safe second and streamline my REC setup a bit?
Pretty sure I know how most will respond, but curious for the input regardless.
I haven't read the entire thread, just yet, but my suggestion would no don't ditch the OCTO. When I'm diving with a redundant air supply my attitude towards that tank is "that's my air" and no one else is going to get it. Especially if I'm diving solo.
In your example, unless you have briefed your buddy on emergency procedures involving the redundant air, and practiced those procedures if an actual out of air situation happens they won't know what to do. You can never have too much redundancy.