There is a left post backup, apparently you can choose it to be a BOV or a second stage. My impression is that GUE doesn't typically run mixed teams (outside of skill development or practice diving), if you need a rebreather for that dive everyone else is going to need one too. There are enough odd things that can go on with your tanks on a really bad day that being able to use someone else gas to get out might be lifesaving. And the whole random diver running out of gas sees you and decides you are going to give him a reg...Thanks for the pictures and docs guys. That is basically what I was looking for. I don't see a backup 2nd stage on a bungee necklace (BOV instead), but the long hose coming off the right post is still there. I think the use is for mixed teams where you may have to bail out an OC diver and go through a single-file restriction.
My recollection is that UTD trains to have the long hose around the neck still, but I don't get that setup. I could see it tucked into the belt and just clipped off though.