I assume you're talking to me, but my name is Pete. I'm the other guy on my website.
I really don't have any sympathy for most of the people who die in caves or die on rebreathers. Here's why: In caves, virtually 100% of the time
THEY caused their own death. On a rebreather, virtually every single time
THEY caused their own death.
You know, 3 years ago, I had no intention of diving a rebreather EVER. I believed they were a box waiting to kill me, that there was no way possible to dive one and it not kill you. I believed that stupid quote some stupid "expert" said that 1 in 11 rebreathers sold ended up in a fatality. I had no frame of reference except what I heard from the masses. And that reference was based on information from 20+ years ago.
Then one day a good friend of mine offered me a class for next to nothing. Honestly, I had no intention of diving a rebreather, but the cost of the class was so cheap, I figured it was next to free education. I like education, so I took the class if for nothing else than to know what I didn't know about a subject in SCUBA. What I learned was very appealing to me. CCR diving was a lot like cave diving.
You see, what I like about Cave Diving is this: With the exception of Parker Turner, no one has ever died obeying Sheck's 5 rules of Cave Diving. Training, Guidelines, Air, Depth, Lights. So, if I obey all five of those rules, I get to live virtually every single time. Granted I could have a heart attack or get stuck in a collapse like Turner did. But if I obey 5 rules, I'm mostly certain I get to live. That's very simple to me.
On the rebreather, the same thing applies. The difference is, that I must now obey 35 rules. So what? Big Deal? If I follow the rules, I get to live. The interesting thing about CCR is, it diminishes my only fear in cave diving. With a CCR, I have the time to dig myself out of a collapse.
At any rate, I don't think Daniel Aleman is a troll. I think the other guy has some kind of agenda and would probably not classify him as a troll either. The funny thing is, he really thinks he's changing people's minds. When you whine over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.... then you do it on forum after forum after forum after forum after forum, then you get banned and banned and banned, then you move to another forum, and start the process over again, people get sick of reading what you type. You get discounted as an obnoxious dork who just won't shut up. People might completely agree with what you have to say, but they're so sick of reading your crap, you lose all credibility. I immediately skip over anything he writes now. If he's gaining or conveying any pivotal insight, there's no chance I'll read it. And I'm probably not alone.
Look, if you are lazy, complacent, stupid -- GUESS WHAT?! Rebreathers are not safe.
We know this. We get this. Some of us don't care. We're going to dive with mitigated risk. You're not going to change our minds. We don't care about your "functional safety".