Thanks Superlyte27, it will certainly be one of the ones I try. Were there any others that you looked at before choosing the rEvo and was it anything beyond the twin scrubbers that made you go with the rEvo? Many thanks.
I've given a serious look at the Titan, Meg and Hollis. In fact, I'm considering buying my wife something early next year, and I don't have a clue what it will be. I'd like it to be something different just to broaden my experience, but right now, I'm leaning towards another rEvo.
Ultimately, what is so appealing to me about the rEvo is that it is so simple. If you understand how an O2 sensor works, and how a 2nd stage regulator works, you've gotten the rEvo figured out. Factor in that there's only 4 orings, setup and breakdown is super simple, and a profile small enough for even tighter caves and it was a no brainer.
I had heard all the hype about how dangerous rebreathers are. Honestly, 2 years ago I told everyone that I'd NEVER dive one of those gas bags of death. Then sitting out at a picnic table, a friend of mine opened his rEvo up. When he showed me everything that was involved (which wasn't much), I felt a bit foolish for the bandwagon I had been riding on.
I'm not going to sit here and say, "they're dangerous, they'll kill you, no one should be diving them except, blah blah blah," and then go dive mine happily every day. What I will tell you is, they're dangerous, and if you're a moron, they might kill you.
The funny part about the WOB is, some
machine says that it's harder to breathe at 30m than 40m or some such bs, the fact of the matter is, it just doesn't matter. It's interesting that today I made 50 times the pay I made yesterday. Can you imagine that? A 50x increase in my pay? That's friggin awesome. Oh, I forgot to tell you. Yesterday I only made 10cents. These WOB numbers that you are reading are a lot like that. Sure, a machine can measure that the WOB is higher... but really, how much higher? Are we talking pennies, dollars, cents, sense? I dive my rebreather to 300' is there a difference between 10' and 300'? Barely, if any that I could detect. Would a machine agree with me? Nope. Are you a machine? Are you Sheldon Cooper?
---------- Post added July 20th, 2013 at 11:34 PM ----------
Frankly I appreciate his "dribble". About time that someone had the balls to describe the inadequacies of these underwater anesthesia devices.
Not sure why you keep reading the thread if it frustrates you so much? Just pretend to put him on 'ignore" like the others. And ignore the thread.
We got no problem with someone having the balls to voice the inadequacies, what we wish they had was the common sense and intellect to go with it. Common sense might make him choose his audience better. Imagine going to a Cake Forum and then telling all the members that eating cake will kill you. That's exactly what he did post after post, thread after thread on two rebreather forums, ultimately getting banned. At least here the mods are a bit more lenient and don't really get involved, but when you're inciting animosity and argument at every post, it's time to move on, which is what has brought him here.
As far as "ignore" goes...., if SB doesn't have a feature, I can email you an editor that will run in the background that will allow you to ignore anyone you want. You can thank Wormil for that one.