And you are Dr.... Who again? Sorry, I forgot.
I am the "idiot sauvant" - don't you remember?
Now, let me put a question to you.
You have two tools (machines): A. and B.
Machine A:
1. Is so complex that if you fail to follow a check-list it will kill you (Dr. Concannon).
2. Even if you do everything right and it works 100% of the times, it can kill you (Dr. Mitchell and Dr. Luca Luccarini)
3. It costs $10k plus $2k in training and spares
Machine B:
1. It is so simple that does not require a check-list.
2. If you do everything right, it cannot kill you.
2. It costs less than $1k including training and you do not need spares (it works, and works, and works)
Which one would you pick for 10 - 20 dives a year to 15 - 30 meters?
Let us add 1 more layer.
The 10 - 20 dives you do on your two well-deserved holiday trips a year.
Machine A:
1. The best of its kind the USN has determined it has a failure rate of 5%.
2. The types Dr. Fock is exposed to he says has a failure rate of 15% (3 times higher off the top of my head)
Machine B:
No failures.
Which one would you pick for your two week well deserved holiday trips a year?
Hmmm... let me think.... 10k + 2k... so complex that it requires a check-list... I get the check-list wrong I die... I can die even if I do everything right... lots of the times it does not work...
This is really a tough one for a Tec Diver "rebreather pilot" ....
Man, only an idiot would say that a rebreather is safer/better (or even as safe) than an OC regulator for recreational diving - UNLESS OF COURSE HE/SHE IS TRYING TO SELL YOU A REBREATHER + TRAINING + SPARES + CONSUMABLES...!!!