re: air intergrated dive computers

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SeaJay once bubbled...

Anyway... So what do y'all consider to be a "Yankee?"

Those guys wearing those funny pin-stripe outfits running around some stadium in New York?

Actually, my knowledge of US history is little to none, but I'd always considered them to be Americans in the North, but haven't a clue where the dividing line was.

As for Tim's surviving the trip, I'm not sure. I'm not much of a doughnut fan (now is this a Canadian thing? -- I think Americans spell it donut). It's the coffee I go for - always guaranteed to be freshly brewed. If it doesn't get served within 60 minutes, it's down the drain.
SeaJay once bubbled...

BETTER THAN KRISPY KREMES? C'mon... Now I know you're smokin' something funny! :)

Don't laugh Seajay about smokin' that funny stuff up here. I figure that is why we apparently have the most number of donut shops per capita than anywhere in the world :moose:

Any guesses as to our most valuable agricultural industry according to Forbes magazine?
Canada's largest agricultural industry

We had a similar madness when the first KK opened here in Toronto about a year ago. Somehow lining up to buy donuts is just plain difficult to understand. Now lining up for a good Tim's coffee, that is worthwhile.
I must say that this post has curtainly taken me for a roller coaster ride :coffee: from donuts to shrimp parties to crossing the boarder and back again to finally ???????.

I have to agree that really what is between your ears should dectate the dive and really any piece of equipement can fail nothing is 100% full proof!!! I do agree that compairing tech divers to sport diving is like apples and grapes( don't like oranges much). :)

I have my reasons for not choosing to stay with my SPG console and go with air intergreted, besides how many divers fatality are due to there diving with a air intergreted or without. Most of the dive incidents occur eg panic diver medical reasons or flat out diver error.

I do appreciate everyones responds to my dilemma chances are I well end up with the Cobra, since I haven't heard much about the Scubapro model, or seen it around as much as the suunto, before I make any irrational decisions I need to do some more research on both dive computers. While I am doing that I think I need a cup of coffee, Timmies sounds good :mean:
Wanda, your decision sounds fine to me. The key thing is that you're comfortable with it, and you know what's involved should something go wrong. Nothing wrong with that. And yes, I guess this thread was officially hijacked...
SeaJay once bubbled...

Anyway... So what do y'all consider to be a "Yankee?"

Anything North of the Mason Dixon line but South of the Canadian Boarder. Once you cross that boarder - your a "Canuck".....of course, east of Ontario...we have "Frogs"!!:wacko:

SeaJay once bubbled...

Do they mail? I mean, can you send them, or are they like Krispy Kremes in that they have to be eaten fresh out of the oven?

I'll send someone 1/2 pound of river shrimp for a dozen of those things. Anyone game?

Well, You probably can mail them, Have to do it via courier though to keep em good and fresh. PM me your address and I'll mail ya some bits!!

SeaJay once bubbled...

Do you know that people actually camped out at the first Krispy Kreme to open in California? It was like they were selling Led Zepplin concert tickets! I mean, there were people for days...

SIGH, sadly the same thing occurred here when the first one opened. :D :D
Two points to consider. First these guys are diving nitrox 32 ( explaining 40 min NDL @ 80 ft). The dive is very safe from nitrogen saturation point of view, we leave lots of room there.

Second, "rule of thirds" is almost there, the diver starts the ascent with 1000 psi .

So what is the problem? Communication!!! The buddy has a sac rate of 0.9 !!! at 16 minutes into the dive this buddy should have started the ascent . Now, coincidentally this is when our diver is at 1500 psi . and should check on the buddy , how much air he has got.

Notice that the computer reported everything correctly - for the single diver. The computers that failed were between their shoulders. Even with redundancy (2 divers), nobody asked or volunteered the info - psi left in tank. You would end up with the same problem when using gages, lack of brain matter is not curable, and it can be fatal :) .

Hope the DM on the boat had a hang tank so these two could complete their safety stop :) .

Conclusion: Buy a computer, it will help you make the dives longer and possibly safer. Remember not to switch off the gray matter between your shoulders. All the rules of diving still apply, regardless if you have a computer or not.
SeaJays not really sending any river shrimp - just think how they would smell in the back of the courier van!:wacko: :wacko:

I just sent some Tim Bits, no strings attached. Just doing my part for trans boarder relations!:D :D
Oh man...

You completely rock. :)

I've sent shrimp out before... They get packed in dry ice. It works well. :)

I can't wait to try these things... You totally rock. Thanks for the opportunity to try something out that I otherwise would not get the opportunity to try.

DeeDee... Nice observations! :) Impressive... We now knight you "DeeDee San." :D

For the record: I own a Vyper. I have a computer. I dive with it. My arguements have never been to dive without one. I happen to think it's a great tool.

But DeeDee San is right on... And was really my point all along. What I was hearing prior to my examples was some really scary stuff going on there... Like the encouragement to listen to your computer rather than plan the dive. People were mentioning that the computer would tell you how much longer you can stay down... Depending on that is simply dangerous; the computer - which you're trusting your life to - simply can't gather all of the information necessary to keep you and your buddy safe.

Instead, I suggest that computers be used as they were designed to be used: as a tool. They do not replace your responsibility to plan the dive and dive the plan. Frankly, I would love to see y'all around... And if you let the computer do the work for you, that might not happen. Get my drift?

Also for the record: I have used my computer in "computer" mode. I don't any more... When I found myself disagreeing with the computer, I listened to the computer. That was a big mistake. I no longer wish to be tempted to listen to the computer rather than my plan and my gray matter. So... I dive with it in gauge mode. I still like the fact that it's a quality unit that shows me tons of great information... And it logs my dives for me.

...So I would encourage people to use one... But use it as the tool that it is, and do not allow it to replace a good plan and your brain.

...And when you stick to that, yet allow your computer to show you it's "stuff," you'll see it's shortcomings.

DeeDee... With a SAC of .9 (I'm trusting you on that figure; I haven't bothered to do the calcs), and likely with a buddy with the same SAC (or worse, since he's OOA), can you imagine how quickly they'd suck down that cylinder in an emergency?

Scary, man. :(

Planning the dive would have been so much better...

Now, I'm waiting on my front step to taste these "Timmy" things... :D I can't wait.

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