Don't hold anything back OK???
My son was certified when he was 11, and he is probably one of THE most conscientious divers I know. Glad I got him certified before he is smitten with the smells of perfume and gasoline. Just like older divers, every young diver is unique. Some are ready, some will never be ready... even when they are forty. Just as you have made a conscientious decision for your kids; so have I. I probably put in just as much thought and care, we just have arrived at two completely different solutions. Go figure.
As a dad, I understand your "passion" when it comes to your children. Anyone mess with mine, and they will find a reformed pacifist on their hands... and they are the worst kind! Nope, you can dis me, cuss me, even hit me, and I WILL turn the other cheek. When it comes to my kids, ain't no one wants to see me change into my Mr. Hyde outfit!!!
I do think that one of the many benefits we have on this board, is the ability that most of us possess to hear an opinion professed so strongly, and then NOT take offense at it. No flames, no prolonged hatreds... just a few soap boxes come out, and we express why anyone disagreeing with us has an IQ of 10 (just not in those words, of course ), and that any normal, mom and apple pie loving American should be on our side.

My son was certified when he was 11, and he is probably one of THE most conscientious divers I know. Glad I got him certified before he is smitten with the smells of perfume and gasoline. Just like older divers, every young diver is unique. Some are ready, some will never be ready... even when they are forty. Just as you have made a conscientious decision for your kids; so have I. I probably put in just as much thought and care, we just have arrived at two completely different solutions. Go figure.
As a dad, I understand your "passion" when it comes to your children. Anyone mess with mine, and they will find a reformed pacifist on their hands... and they are the worst kind! Nope, you can dis me, cuss me, even hit me, and I WILL turn the other cheek. When it comes to my kids, ain't no one wants to see me change into my Mr. Hyde outfit!!!
I do think that one of the many benefits we have on this board, is the ability that most of us possess to hear an opinion professed so strongly, and then NOT take offense at it. No flames, no prolonged hatreds... just a few soap boxes come out, and we express why anyone disagreeing with us has an IQ of 10 (just not in those words, of course ), and that any normal, mom and apple pie loving American should be on our side.