O.K. I always start off a little on the harsh side.
The main reason I say that children should NOT dive is because there is such a small margin for error. Diving is VERY safe, of course, we all know that. BUT, like I said there is such a small margin for mistakes... and when one is all it takes to end a life... ESPECIALLY the life of MY CHILD.. as my cousin Vinny would say "FORGET ABOUT IT"
Football HECK NO.. I wan't allowed to play; HOCKEY nope, baseball.. yes baseball was about all I was allowed to do as a YOUNG child... I hit 16 and went nuts bought a dirtbike started downhill racing and I bodysurf the biggest waves in the world... but not at 10 years old. THEY ARE NOT MENTALLY OR PHYSICALLY CAPABLE in my opinion. I was 10 (and not even that long ago... LOL) and there was not even a concept of mortality at that age. I hit eleven, CRUSHED my chest broke my sternum broke some ribs and punctured both my lungs... I LEARNED THAT LESSON REAL FAST.
If you feel that your 10 or 11 year old is capable of diving in 30' of water.. FINE.. remember it only takes 3 feet of water to embolise.. PERIOD.. Strong current in 30' of water HECK YES ... Sea urchin ... fire coral.. I don't know... What I do know is that MY KIDS WON'T DIVE Until they can at least Drive...
About the Sport Chalet thing Mario: PERSONALLY I don't know squat first hand I admit.. however.. my LDS main DI (whom I trust with my life) used to work very closely with SC and has told me horror stories about the stores and some of their "been diving 6 months instructors" after the switch from NAUI to PADI...
And I don't like SSI or any of the other organizations either just as a note.. I'm stubborn and possibly thick headed.. but the bottom line is.. MY KIDS WON'T ride Dirtbikes... won't play football... or DIVE until I feel that they are totally capable of doing so ON THEIR OWN.
Don't mean to say you guys are BAD for allowing your children to dive, I just think you really need to think about the consequences, and how the rest of YOUR life would pan out if something did happen. Personally I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
This is all written warm heartedly and not meant to rip on anyone... just my own thickheaddedness and GOD I SOUND LIKE MY DAD