Questions about Fantasy Island

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I wouldn't make those assumptions Snagel. We became familiar with the people who own Privilege and they seem like honorable people. The manager on site is very professional and I'm sure he will provide the best possible experience for you. As far as I know, nothing is changing with the dive will be business as usual. And hopefully the same employees will be remaining at Fantasy Island, so there will definitely be some continuity there. I'm sure you are going to have a great trip! Your biggest problem will be that October is rainy season - but you can hope for the best with that too :D

You are correct. I was being a little presumptuous. The worse dive in paradise beats my typical lake/quarry diving anyway.

You are correct. I was being a little presumptuous. The worse dive in paradise beats my typical lake/quarry diving anyway.


I don't think that's presumptuous at all. In fact, I would have the same concerns if I didn't know the place so well.

Regardless of what is going on at the resort, you will absolutely LOVE the dive shop. Those guys have been together through many years and through many changes in ownership/management. Their concern for safety and dedication to showing you a good time will never change :no: You're in for quite a treat. :D

Forget about all this "resort" stuff and just focus on the wonders you are about to encounter. The south side of Roatan is an incredible dive paradise. You are going to be blown away by the amazing sunlit walls and all the unique critters that make it their home. It's the Disney World of diving :D
Thanks for the info. How about taking a shower, should I stuff a sock in my mouth? :)

LOL that reminds me of the scene in the Sex and the City movie when Charlotte accidentally lets water in her mouth while showering in Mexico, but then again I'm sure most of you guys have avoided such movies :rofl3:
Stairs.....I read a trip report awhile back and the poster stated that when they arrived there room was not ready and they got moved to another room and commented about having to climb a lot of steps to get to it. So, didin't know if there were some rooms to avoid due to having to climb a flight of stairs. Thanks for clearing this up.

New Management? I'm a little confused here (seems easy now-a-days). What I think I was told is that there is no change with the people that own the resort and/or those that are running the resort. The change is with the booking company. Basically, they have had a single booking company for the resort and that is what has changed. ??????

We got moved around a good bit while I was there, room not ready, and the stairs were a pain, especially if you had to carry your equipment, but the rooms were close to the dive shop, so if you don't mind a healthy little jog up and down the stairs, they are not too bad.
You are going to be blown away by the amazing sunlit walls and all the unique critters that make it their home. It's the Disney World of diving :D

Uhm... actually, that would be South-East Asia... :cool2::cool2::eyebrow: Sorry, couldn,t help it... In all honnesty, the South side reefs of Roatan are very very nice! There more to see per square inch of reef than the other places in the Caribean I've been to (so far). I'd definetly go back, especially with deals like 499$ per week... Some day...:shakehead:
Uhm... actually, that would be South-East Asia... :cool2::cool2::eyebrow: Sorry, couldn,t help it... In all honnesty, the South side reefs of Roatan are very very nice! There more to see per square inch of reef than the other places in the Caribean I've been to (so far). I'd definetly go back, especially with deals like 499$ per week... Some day...:shakehead:

Oh, I don't know, it might be the Bligh Waters and the Great White Wall in Fiji.:eyebrow::no:
But then you are right, for the price you are hard pressed to surpass the South Side of Roatan.:coffee::coffee:
Ladies don't spit.

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