Not much.
Time at Depth
First of all, we don't know exactly how long they were at what depth. If diving the PADI air tables, the maximum time for 70 feet is 40 minutes, and it is 5 minutes for 60 feet. I assume they were doing a multi-level dive with a computer, and I would guess that would be close to NDLs. Of course, we don't know how precise the original estimates of time and depth were. It is very possible there are no issues there.
Experience and Depth
We don't know if 5th dive includes the OW dives, but that isn't a big deal. Divers at all levels are told to extend their limits through experience and training. They should do so with a degree of caution. New divers have a training level of 60 feet. These dives decided it was OK to extend their dive experience to a range of 65-85 feet while with a professional divemaster. That seems pretty reasonable to me.
You said, "it happens." How often? If you asked me to make an estimate of how many brand new divers go to Cozumel each year and do that kind of a dive right off the bat, my wild guess would be about 5,000. So, yes, it happens. A lot.
About 20 years ago while diving in Cozumel, a few of us talked our dive operator into doing the Devil's Throat (about 125 feet) the next day. When we got in the boat, we were surprised when a young couple joined us. Yes, they knew we were going to Devil's throat--they were on the right boat. We had a great dive, and that young couple was fantastic. They descended quickly and showed great buoyancy control in the swim through. Back on the boat during the surface interval, we learned that they had just gotten certified, and that was their first dive after certification. Now, I do not in any way recommend that, but the fact is that they were just fine on the dive. Not every new diver is a floundering fool.