Question and Answer (a game)

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depends on where I'm going - more than 6 hours drive, I'd rather fly

describe the worst car wreck you've been in.
umm... let's see... I guess that time when I was on the bus, and it hit another car. wasn't that bad for me, or the other driver (thank god.), but the itty bitty dodge neon was TOTALED.

what was the last book you bought?
Dark Descent by Kevin McMurray about diving the Empress of Ireland. A great book.

State of fear, and Dark descent

What was the last movie you saw?
Oh sure, I am gone for a couple weeks (working 12 hr a day) and I end up with a question like "what is your favorite Kung Fu movie" to answer. I guess I would have to say just about anything that has Jackie Chan in it. I swear that man has suction cups on his feet and springs up his butt.

If you could own one dive company what one would it be?
Anything on a WARM island. Or anything that could pay for me to get to a WARM island. or a WARM island would be nice on it's own.

Anyone sensing me wants right now??

Ok, real question:

If you could discover any mythical object/place/thing, what would it be? (ex. aliens, Atlantis, ect)
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