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neither, don't drink soda

red or white wine?
being afraid

hmm... I like this topic. I'll think I'll choose another one.

I am afraid of falling off a cruise ship.

Where is the farthest you have been from your home? (Cultural or Geographical... your choice)
To the meth cookers across the highway.....just kidding! (But they really do cook meth.....)

I suppose that would be my trip to China.

Cultural - Alabama (I'm from NJ)
Geographical - Portugal & Venezuela probably tie

What's your favorite location you've travelled to (not dive related)?
I know what you mean about the meth heads and tinmen across the highway.... I would NEVER go there!

hmm... I would say I really like Tokyo, Bangkok, and Rio. Close second ups are Dublin and Istanbul.

Longest Plane Ride you have been on?
London to Tokyo (first class made it bareable but those air stewardesses just wouldn't stop pestering me!!) - no, I didn't pay for the ticket before anyone asks :wink:

What's the scariest journey by transport - road, sea or air - don't matter?
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