Question and Answer (a game)

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Can we have a question, please? :wink:
sorry i ment to say next
lets hear a scar story
Riding my bike down to work - clocks had just changed so was darker earlier - had my lights on, staying within speed limit when two teenagers ran out from behind a bus on the other side of the road (not a school bus). One of them stopped but the other one kept running and as I swerved to try and avoid him, he ran into my back wheel. I went flying once I lost control of the bike, he fell straight away and luckily for him, the car behind me stopped. I went to hospital for a routine check up and an xray showed I had broken my elbow so they operated the follwing day. I was in hospital for a week as they had wired my broken bit back to my main elbow. They cut it open a month later to remove the wire as the bone had healed. Left a nice 5 inch scar on my elbow.

Same question next person.
well, when I was five, I produced two BEAUTIFUL scars..... Well, the first time around my mother ran over my foot. I was a small tyke, so when I got out of the car it was like I was out of sight. I guess she didn't see me and she ran clean over it. There is a whole story that also involves diplomacy, since our little desert hospital didn't have the technology to fix this kind of foot injury (I had broken all five metatarsels... it was pretty nasty, they were sticking out the other side of my foot.) so the doctors called up the Egyptian Embassy, asked if I could go to a closer hospital in Port Said.... they said no. So, I got a nice ride to TLV (on morphine) in a helicopter. I ended up getting a huge plethora of pins and needles in my foot.... and a lot of little scars on my foot to show for it.

well, it looks like word association is the name of the game now.

Will it ever stopping raining in Indiana? It is the middle of January and it is 60+ degrees out, what is up with that?
Which rapper are you?

Lil Kim! :rofl: J/K I don't listen to rap.

Who came up with the idea of the smiley face :), and in what year? Extra points if you know for what reason, and how much the person was paid.
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