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Only if I'm trying to relax in a hotel room after driving all day. I'm not sure why I do this.

Why are all of Baltimoron's latest questions about tv?
No clue.

Cake or death?
Cake of course

What do you do when there are long periods where you can't dive?
Pine, whine and cry. Read my OW and AOW manuals. Dream of diving. Am I addicted? :wink:

Have you even walked out of a film? Which one?

Nope, after paying 100 million billion dollars on tickets, popcorn, a coke, and a box of raisinettes, I am sticking it out. Regardless of how bad that movie is.

Funniest dive story?
Funniest dives story.... on a quarry dive my DB took along a can of cheese whiz to feed the fish. We would swim along and he would feed a few and along we would go. The last time that he feed the fish before we surfaced we had three fish near us, and then 8 more. I look up and here is this huge school of fish decending upon him and the cheeze whiz. Needless to say I couldn't see him, just a bunch of fish. I see him swim away from me trying to get out so I join up. Everything is good or about 60 yards so we stop. I look back and here come the school of fish. Needless to say we didn't get rid of them till we were out of the water.

what the heck, lets keep!!
DB was a huge, macho type guy. He worked as an undercover narc., had tattos etc. Very ruff looking. Got into the water and he started to squirm and jump. Come to find out that the fish were biting at one of his tattos and he could not stand it.

hmm... night diving with all my old Kibbutz buddies. These people helped raise me for the most part, it was fun seeing another side of them underwater. These people were CRAZY! having rock fights, riding my tank, playing with my ears.... not quite funny to the outside world, but it tickles me.

any scars that you have accumulated that have a good story along with them?
that you have accumulated that have a good story along with them?
Yes, in fact I do have a few HORRIFIC SCARS. But since these resulted from HORRIFIC ACCIDENTS, I will spare you the HORRIFIC DETAILS of my HORRIFIC SCARS.


no excititing stories, cut my knee some how and have a scar about an inch long other than a few other little ones thats all.
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