Question and Answer (a game)

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three little birds
hasn't this question been already asked??
three little birds
hasn't this question been already asked??

LOL Jenny! 3300+ posts on this thread and you can remember this question being asked? You must not have as many fried brain cells as me. ;o)

yes, it has, but I like the question, and I am running out of ideas!!! hmph!

Mine is, by the way, Could You Be Loved.

if you were a car, what kind of car would you be?
yes, it has, but I like the question, and I am running out of ideas!!! hmph!

Mine is, by the way, Could You Be Loved.

if you were a car, what kind of car would you be?

1958 Chevy. Not as well-loved as the '57, but it was still a very good year. Sturdy body, responsive and cleans up pretty decently. An investment, for sure. Hard to get all your money out of one of these babies. Can be finicky, but will be there for the long haul.



Same question?
Hmmmm.... I would be a late 199's Izuzu Rodeo. Fun to drive, can handle some tough terrain, and cleans up well.

Same question..
I know it was asked before only because I already answered it! LOL
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three little birds
hasn't this question been already asked??

LOL Jenny! 3300+ posts on this thread and you can remember this question being asked? You must not have as many fried brain cells as me. ;o)

chosing which car to be says so much more than owning a car... ye gads!!

I guess I would be an Aston Martin - got class and a bit of a goer - everything I am not!! LOL

If you had to hibernate, where would you safely tuck yourself up, assuming that nobody is watching out for you?
In my bed. Around here you could leave the doors unlocked for 10 years and never have anyone try and break in.

Deep or shallow dive?
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