MD is right..the conservatism setting has a lot to do with your profile as well, but those decisions should only be made by you, IMHO.
My usual "light deco" dives (which is what I mostly do around here when I'm deco diving) have a runtime of about an hour, end-to-end, and the only deco gas I usually sling is a bottle of 50.
There's plenty of argument between the 50 and 100% crowd; my view is that the 50% gets me on the higher PO2 gradient sooner, and therefore if I am forced out of the water before my obligation is completed for some reason I have gotten SOME decompression benefit from the better oxygen window, and if I take a hit as a consequence it might be less severe.
If I'm doing that dive without a "unified team" (and I usually am) then I also insure that my schedule can be decoed out on backgas if I have a "broken" deco bottle.
I typically dive +2 conservatism on Vplanner with deep stops enabled, 2 minutes at gas switches, 20' deep on, window effect on and the last stop at 20'. The latter setting is to keep surface surge from becoming a pain in the butt during the last, and longest, stop, as all these are salt water dives in the ocean.
A typical dive schedules out like this:
Decompression model: VPM-B
Surface interval = 2 day 0 hr 0 min.
Elevation = 0ft
Conservatism = + 2
Dec to 140ft (2) on Nitrox 27.0, 50ft/min descent.
Level 140ft 27:12 (30) on Nitrox 27.0, 1.41 ppO2, 127ft ead
Asc to 100ft (31) on Nitrox 27.0, -30ft/min ascent.
Asc to 70ft (32) on Nitrox 27.0, -30ft/min ascent.
Stop at 70ft 1:40 (34) on Nitrox 50.0, 1.56 ppO2, 32ft ead
Stop at 50ft 0:40 (35) on Nitrox 50.0, 1.26 ppO2, 20ft ead
Stop at 40ft 3:00 (38) on Nitrox 50.0, 1.10 ppO2, 13ft ead
Stop at 30ft 4:00 (42) on Nitrox 50.0, 0.95 ppO2, 7ft ead
Stop at 20ft 19:00 (61) on Nitrox 50.0, 0.80 ppO2, 1ft ead
Asc to sfc. (61) on Nitrox 50.0, -30ft/min ascent.
Off gassing starts at 91.3ft
OTU's this dive: 75
CNS Total: 29.2%
128.7 cu ft Nitrox 27.0
28.4 cu ft Nitrox 50.0
157.1 cu ft TOTAL
-- lost gas -->
OK 50
(30) (30)
70 1 (34)
60 1 (34)
50 0 (35) 3 (37)
40 3 (38) 4 (41)
30 4 (42) 6 (47)
20 19 (61) 36 (83)
I'd do that dive would be done on double HP100s. The double 72s have no margin on thirds for a failure on the assumptions I use for RMVs (0.8 working, 0.5 deco), both of which are intentionally a good bit above my usual actual RMVs. I can deco out on backgas, but cannot support both myself AND another diver doing so - if I'm doing this as a unified team the assumption being made is that if one of us breaks a deco bottle the other's will be ok, and once their deco is complete they can switch back to the backgas (and possibly even let the other diver have the remainder of their deco bottle to enhance their safety) while they complete the lost gas hang.