Following up what another poster, mentioned, a competitor (PADI) has a 'scuba diver' certification that only certifies for diving under professional supervision to no deeper than 40 feet. I suspect NAUI wouldn't want their cert. to be mistaken for that. And a wide range of cert.'s are for 'scuba divers' (OW, AOW, Rescue, Dive Master, Instructor, Cave, etc…
As for Advanced OW vs. OW II, the 1rst has a catchier sounding name, and again, it's more in line with what competitors are doing.
So, I suspect much of the answer as to why these name changes have taken place amounts to 'marketing.'

As for Advanced OW vs. OW II, the 1rst has a catchier sounding name, and again, it's more in line with what competitors are doing.
So, I suspect much of the answer as to why these name changes have taken place amounts to 'marketing.'