Purchasing own equipment online/lds?

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1. sell me air
2. let me try on stuff
3. overcharge the crap out of everything

i think that's about it!


actually, a good LDS is worth its weight in gold... unfortunately (in my experience) there aren't that many of them out there

I was inclined to agree at first, but...

1. I bought a compressor
2. I can try on and exchange through mail if needed
3. not all do - I have been to most of the online LDSs I have bought from and they are worth their weight in gold. Unfortunately the closest one is 5.5 hours away and the rest are in different states!
I have talked to my local shop about this. They admit they don't make money on sales of gear, the volume is just too low, they also said that the only real gear sales that they have are for the nubes that are just starting OW. At the same time, they do their best for the people that are loyal customers.
According to my shop, the money that they make is on service and training. And I do my best to get all of my gear serviced annually, and get any rentals that I might need, not to mention sending my friends to them.

Although, I know there are a bunch of owners on the board and I would love to hear more info from them.

I would like to see the prices at this shop. I know for a fact that many times the price you pay is double the shop's cost or more. Now they do have to pay the rent, electricity, gas, employees, insurance, etc, so that is figured into the "cost" of the item, but the prices that many have to charge just to keep the doors open is why I sometimes go on line for certain items that my lds can't get, or is unable to match. I just got a set of bands from tdl for 65 bucks and a manifold for 130 from diver's supply off of ebay. Our cost for a similar one is 160 minimum. I'm a DM and I get paid in air fills and gear discounts. But I can't expect my boss to charge me less than what he pays. I'm debating whether to get my instructor manual direct from PADI or thru the shop. If I get it thru the shop I'll pay member price and the shop will get it added to their total which goes toward our maintaining our buying level. But since I just got DM if I order it direct within the next month or so I can get it at the same price the shop does which would save me almost 60 bucks. So sometimes economics being what it is I have to look out for myself also. I need to support the shop but I also have to put gas in my car and food on my table. And being single that 60 bucks will buy me enough groceries for 2 weeks, or one week and gas for back and forth to work at my "real job" for a week plus.
Im glad my current customer base really likes the staff I have because they come back to buy equipment....Im trying to put in a pool to help with classes and allow customers to try on equipment, play in the winter or whenever, and have a place to have fun....Some of you that say your LDS does a poor job or doesnt have equipment in, dont you think there is a reason? They dont sell enough because they are getting pounded by bigger online retailers and there customers dont give them the chance to buy more and become bigger thus reducing the price.....Granted they might just be poorly run LDS's, but without money coming in we cant grow bigger to serve you....We have been open for 6 months and are doing great, the main reason why is that we strive to offer the best customer service of any business not just scuba and have an extreme amount of fun......and its working!!!

As for always being able to buy cheaper on the net, this is changing dramatically with alot of vendors implementing MAP pricing....Minimum Advertised Price....This puts everyone on a level playing field and even the smaller places can compete with those moving lots of equipment....I may be old fashioned, being 26 that might be hard(over 14 years of diving experience), but I like giving back to my community....it then grows and helps out my neighbor, their neighbor or friend, schools, etc......Thats just my thoughts and way of thinking.....
Thank you all for the insight so far on this topic. Being new divers, the equipment issue is totally new to us. Dozens of regu., bcd, fins, masks, etc are confusing to say the least.
As an old jump master buddy of mine used to say,"Jumping out of the plane, and then deciding to check your parachute is not a great idea".
I fully understand that you can get in "real trouble", "real quick", down there, and the LSD can be invaluable . I am a FIRM believer in supporting the local businessman, but (no offense to anyone), some of the LDS are extremely overpriced on their gear, and in a LOT of cases the employees acted like they were doing me a favor by answering my questions regarding the equipment.
I was told by other divers that this attitude is not uncommon among LDS.(again-no offense to anyone).
But the bottom line is that when a LDS prices a piece of equipment higher than the suggested retail, its a red flag. When two people are interested in purchasing complete outfits, it means "a lot of money"
Thanks for listening
I agree with the mentality of alot of divestores.....Thats what prompted me to open one :D Too bad you live so far, I would love to help you.....but what I can :wink: Check out my online store and email me with any questions or call me direct at
630-508-6453 I would be glad to help you

Being able to have a Q&A with someone is valuable. You can read all you want online, but sorting reality from marketing fluff is time consuming. My LDS will continue to be my first stop. www.sodadivers.com
This is why online stores are cheaper:

1 They do not have to pay any employees. Enslaved faires take your order and ship it.

2 They do not have to pay for a brick and mortar store. The faries store the stuff in fairy land--there is no physical place on earth the store the gear that they are able to in most cases ship the same day. It is transported from another realm, kind of like in Star Trek only better.

3 They don't have to pay for people to pack or for packing and shipping supplies. It is whipped up out of fairy dust. In fact they don't even have to pack your order. See number one. Transported directly from fairy land to the shipping company.

4 They do not have pay utilities. No brick and mortar store/warehouse to use gas, electric, phones. If they did have a place, it would be powered with fairy power.

Plain and simple, online stores are magic. That is how they do it. Now one thing that stumps me is how Joe and Larry at Scuba Toys are able to hide their pointy ears all day? And those guys at Leisure Pro too. It also must be hard on them having to wear plain people clothes too. No bells, fringe, or glowing sparkly fairy dust. You know that glowing sparkly fairy dust is how the light stick and glow tube came to be.
I don't agree a good LDS has a big value and may safe you a lot money, by fixing small things for free…
I, in turn, don’t agree. The savings from getting a few small things fixed for free doesn’t necessarily add up to the potential cumulative hundreds of $ of overspending for a complete set of new gear at an expensive LDS over online total price for same items (especially if one pays near double for the same BCD or reg, for example). So this, by itself, does not economically justify paying outrageously inflated prices at some LDS.

From a good LDS you have a big benefit, but these are rare.
Agreed here… rare indeed.

... some of the LDS are extremely overpriced on their gear, and in a LOT of cases the employees acted like they were doing me a favor by answering my questions regarding the equipment...
To me, this is key. The two sides (for and against buying at LDS) can go on to debate until the cows come home. But, it will be more fruitful, IMHO, to look at Mr. Retired's specific situation. His LDS's prices for gears are considerably and materially higher than elsewhere (i.e. online). AND they have this "God's gift to new divers" attitude. This is a no brainer to me! I'd dump them for other stores (online or other LDS) in a heartbeat. LDS like that won't get my business, period! They also give other decent, reputable, nice LDS (and I know a few) a bad name!
leah, you have finally solved the LDS vs online debate!

:rofl3: :frlol: :laughing: :lol:
I recently made a purcahse through an online retailer very well known on this site.

I saved 60 bucks.

I had to call three times

I had to be a jerk to the retailer on the phone one time.

5 1/2 weeks later my stuff showed up (4 weeks late).

All that glitters is not gold.

Never again.

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