What an awesome event. Thanks to Ber for being the most bestest hostessest (and dive buddy) ever! I, unfortunately, had to leave last night so I could do homework today. :crying2:
For those not able to attend, here's a brief report. Both the air and water temperatures were a bit

under 85F. Visibility was quite good (honestly). A "breeze" kept the fall leaves from collecting on our cars and gear! And we sited a number of unique fish species, including a tiger, a rabbit fish, a thong fish, and we even heard rumors of an air breathing parrot fish.
The carving dive resulted in a number of trout attacks. Fortunately, we (and our pumpkins) were able to escape without injury. One diver who survived the attack was quoted later, "They kept coming at me from everywhere!"
The night dive was spectacular with a number of illuminated pumpkins and decorations. The pumpkins were having such a good time, several lept back into the water and were recovered a second time! And if a pumpkin had fun in the quarry, you can too. BE THERE NEXT YEAR!!!