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... so how are you doing did Santa get you any closer to stealth diving?
Not really. Got all kind of goodies, but nothing stealthy. Rather the opposite.
Now maybe if I grab that Santa cap from Zorro and take it to SMI ... :D
The topside has a rather large hole in the middle where the exhaled gas enters the bucket from the head. If he missed that hole he would have likely missed anything written onto the the basket, too. It's a pretty simple procedure if you think along ...
Ah, how embarrassing. You're probably right, "missing the hole" is a bit awkward ... :34:

Also, most people who get their hands on one will probably have gone through proper training on the unit. Anyhow, I hope to get my hand on one sometime. :moose:
Actually I found that rather surprising. When you fill the basket it's actually upside down when compared to the final postion in the bucket. The lid goes on the bottom side and is solid. The topside has a rather large hole in the middle where the exhaled gas enters the bucket from the head. If he missed that hole he would have likely missed anything written onto the the basket, too. It's a pretty simple procedure if you think along ... .

I agree it's a good thing that Steam Machines is going for certification. It'll offer a good alternative to APD's units, and should do well. If you ever get a chance give it a try. Great lil' rig, breathes so well.

I agree...

I know of an incident several years ago that happened with another rebreather.. It also involved a canister that should also only go in 1 direction.. the person put it in backwards and even missed the "WRONG WAY" (or something to that effect) labeled on the canister. needless to say the person had a CO2 issue..

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