I was evacuated, but moved back last night....woohhoo, where is the marshmelloes?
I think the hole firefighting thing needs to be revised. In a area known for fires, this is BS. I saw miles and miles of fire burning the night before last night, with no firefighters in site. I think those trucks are 4x4, but no, we'll wait till the flames get to 45ft and burning down houses before we do something....oh, and the news video with Arnold giving a speech with a firetruck in the background? Shouldn't it be putting out fires? Don't get me wrong, this was and still is one hell of a challenge for our firefighters, and they are doing a great job.
On the otherhand, San Diegans have united and everyone has been very positive and helpfull. Thank god for Arny, cause he is the reason for getting the bigger planes down here. Now Bush is waiting till the fires are under control before he comes to support the citizens

. Thankfully Qualcomm Stadium, used as an evacuation center worked out well, and the horrors of Katrina wasn't repeated.
It's not over yet, thanks for everyone's concern and support. Feelings of frustration and sadness and hope....