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Polypro swim shorts. Makes it way easier to get the wetsuit on and avoids the aesthetic drawbacks of the speedo banana hammock.
- panty to put on the wet suit, even on the arms (don't be affraid of looking ridiculous!).

I think I can translate: (wear) Pantyhose to put on your wet suit, even on the arms don't be affraid of looking rediculous!)

I got this tip here, and it was confirmed by my LDS. With pantyhose on, I can don my farmer johns in about 30 seconds - without, it took over 5 minutes of struggling (and overheating).

Being a guy, the only problem I have is getting my wife to understand (so far, I've managed to keep it secret from her).
Before you pack your gear bag, lay out everything on the floor in the shape of a diver. By looking over the "diver" you made, you are less likely to forget anything.
Always bring a save a dive kit. Never do the Oh this piece of equipment will last one more dive. If it's worn out replace it.
Always bring a save a dive kit. Never do the Oh this piece of equipment will last one more dive. If it's worn out replace it.

I've carried a save-a-dive kit for about 10 years - to every dive. Recently, while on a boat dive, I needed to replace my mouthpiece. I had everything I needed.

I never needed it until that day. So I was able to do the 2nd dive.
I'm going to throw this safety tip out there for whatever benefit you may get from it.

I dive with a vhf radio in a otter box. You can do this for $20 for the box and $50 for the radio. I use a waterproof uniden and my wife has a icom that was $150. The box is rated for 100fsw but I've gone to 130fsw without any leaks.

Ebirbs are very expensive, dive alerts have limited audible reception, safety sausage limited visual range assuming line of sight and someone is looking in your direction.

You can contact other boats in the area to relay your conidtion and situation to the Coast Guard who can locate you by your vhf signal. Seems like a relatively cheap amount to pay for the benefits.

Dive Training published my thoughts 2-2006. You can also do a search of the board and see my write up under Safety device-Best vs.cost.
Stu S.:
Before you pack your gear bag, lay out everything on the floor in the shape of a diver. By looking over the "diver" you made, you are less likely to forget anything.

I really like this one...I'm always afraid I'll forget something critical.
Try equal parts of distilled water, GRAIN alcohol and vinegar in one of those small eyedropper bottles.

Can isopropyl alcohol be substituted for grain alcohol?

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