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Ok...I don't see this one;
I put a small thin piece of duct tape every 10 feet on my dive flag rope. 1 for 10 feet, 2 for 20 feet and so on, and go up to 50 feet. (U could go more, I guess). I've had the tape on my dive flag, going on 3 years now. I still know when my flag is pulled under by feel, but the tape also helps.
Get into shape. Since I started cardio, I don't fatigue like I used to, and best of all, I'm typically the first in and last out on boat dives while returning with a minimum of 500 psi. The downside is I now have to pay particular attention to my NDL's.
:rofl3: I'll second that!:rofl3: I can't believe it showed up on THIS thread! LOL

Actually... my tip is quite simple, and quite a no-brainer (I think).....

Stick with your buddy. Never be more than a couple arm lengths away. As someone on the board has in their sig line.... accidents have an annoying way of not going as planned. (or something like that) :wink:

Yeah, I didn't say it first though. Hence the link to who did :wink::popcorn:
Read the rest of the thread, some good stuff in here, some I think I'll skip :wink:

My tips:
- Pick your buddies carefully, they have a huge impact to your diving enjoyment both in and out of the water.
- Practice airsharing immediately after every descent. Everytime.
- Don't expect certification level to be a gauge of how good a buddy someone will be. An attentive new diver may be a much better buddy than a complacent veteran
- Dive "checkpoint" profiles.
- Read posts by Uncle Pug.
- Before standing up on the back of a boat make sure your air is on. Then make sure your buddies air is on.
- If you've taken some time off, start with something really easy. Most accidents happen to people who dive infrequently.
- Light cardio 24 -> 4 hours before a dive will reduce your chance for DCS significantly! Go read for more info
- Be careful who's advice you follow and ask yourself if you want to dive like they dive.
- Be still. There is so much in the water that you miss. Learn to hang out without moving your limbs and just _be_ underwater. The life will reveal itself to you in no time and with no effort. To me, that is what diving is all about.

That probably way exceeds the number of tips that should be given in a single post. :)
I received this tip from another diver recently. I tried it three nights ago and it worked great for me.
Mix one part of cheap hair conditioner and two parts water in a spray bottle.
Spray your body parts with it prior to changing into your wetsuit and it may slip on a lot easier.
You won't have to explain why you are carrying panties, but your wife may question why you smell like hair conditioner! Bob
Try equal parts of distilled water, GRAIN alcohol and vinegar in one of those small eyedropper bottles. When you get out of the water, use 3 drops in each ear. The vinegar kills the bugs, the alcohol dries out the ear and the distilled water keeps the solution in liquid form while in your ear for a few minutes.

My doctor gave me the formula after treating me twice for ear infections following diving...

Never waste grain alcohol. Bacus will get you. Drink the grain alcohol after the dive. It won't help your ears, but your ears won't bother you as much.

Tip 1. GO to your LDS and swipe the complimentary copies of Dive Training. (beats a subscription!)

Tip 2. (that I got from DT mag) clip your mask to your chest strap (if your BC has one) to avoid being a MOF'r (worked great walking to the entry point of the quarry last Wednesday night and while standing in waist deep water donning my fins!)

Tip 3. DON'T be a vacation diver! Dive as often as you can in anything deeper than a puddle!

Tip 4. Use those plastic inserts you get with your fins (if you saved them) to keep the ankles of your booties OPEN when you are drying them out! (got this one from one of my dive buddies!)

Keep 'em coming! this is a great thread!

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