FYI: there are something like 37 boat-only dive sites in Bonaire, with 26 of them being in Klein Bonaire. Of the 11 that are on the main island, several of them are among the best dives on Bonaire, for example Rappel, Country Garden, and Jeff Davis Memorial (not the U.S. Jeff Davis, but a different one).
I'm sure this will come as a surprise to some, but it is OK to go to Bonaire and do ONLY boat dives, with maybe some from the dock in front of your resort. The package we go to Buddy Dive on has 9 boat dives included, and extras are $30.
I've watched VERY experienced and agile divers fall on a number of walk-in shore entries; they just fall more gracefully, and perhaps hurt themselves less, but they still fall.
I see no reason for the OPs to push their luck. They can walk in at Bari in front of Den Laman, and do boat dives, and have a great trip.
I'm sure this will come as a surprise to some, but it is OK to go to Bonaire and do ONLY boat dives, with maybe some from the dock in front of your resort. The package we go to Buddy Dive on has 9 boat dives included, and extras are $30.
I've watched VERY experienced and agile divers fall on a number of walk-in shore entries; they just fall more gracefully, and perhaps hurt themselves less, but they still fall.
I see no reason for the OPs to push their luck. They can walk in at Bari in front of Den Laman, and do boat dives, and have a great trip.