Post Count = Dive Count

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One of the reasons we added the "Dive Info" section of the user profile was to help insure people had the place to put their "credentials". As several users have said, one needs not be an expert to give advice on some things and certainly there are users with more posts than they will ever have dives. With that in mind it would be nice to see our posts to dive ratio go up but understandably a lot of people come here to ask questions first, chat "off-topic" or just engage in the learning process before they dive. The advice seen on this and any forum should always be taken for what it is and the sources evaluated. There are numerous professionals and even "gurus" on this board, but there are also a lot of new divers with lots of helpful ideas that may not always be 100% accurate, validate your information before you act on anything you read here, except maybe what mask to try out or which fins look best ;)
Thanks Tech Admim.
This scuba forum is not just for the experienced, but for the unexperienced.
Maybe you could start another forum: Scubaboard for the: I'm better than you,
and: Scubaboard hey I just like to dive, and want to talk about it.
This way way we might stop the flamings
btw, nice hat DD
Thanks Tech Admim.
This scuba forum is not just for the experienced, but for the unexperienced.
Maybe you could start another forum: Scubaboard for the: I'm better then you,
and: Scubaboard hey I just like to dive, and want to talk about it.
This way way we might stop the flamings
btw, nice hat DD

Hey great idea! then we can also have a forum for the DMs with 50 quarry dives who can't figure out why their bouyancy sucks with 40lbs in the weight integrated pockets and one for diving medical advice from people who are neithers divers nor doctors.
Sure everyone has an opinion but this forum is designed for people to share their EXPERIENCE with other divers.

I had another idea about SB. I've been coming here for about a year to gain knowledge from the experienced. And it has improved my diving.

As for sharing my experience... with less than 50 dives, I don't have a wealth of knowledge to share, and so I don't. But I've shared my experience when a dive went wrong, my experience with diving in the Philippines, my experience with trying to find a good instructor for my AOW, my experience with coping with a nondiving SO, etc.

I've asked a few questions, and gotten a wide variety of answers, from some who were obviously less experienced than others. It's been a learning experience, even, to sift through the responses and glean the gold.

But please, don't limit our posts to the number of dives we have made. I daresay most of us would have to lie low for a long time.

And ScubaBoard is too great a place for that.
Hey great idea! then we can also have a forum for the DMs with 50 quarry dives who can't figure out why their bouyancy sucks with 40lbs in the weight integrated pockets and one for diving medical advice from people who are neithers divers nor doctors.
:lol: I love that! :frlol: :laughing:

I got it!! How about adding a line to Stats to relfect the dive counts claimed by a member?! The other guy could put his 7 there, etc.

Clicking to look at a Profile for Dive Info is a great tool, but it takes so long on dial-up, I often don't. This would be a great indicator. I know that T.A. has 10,000 other things to do, but it's an idea for the list...?

BTW, wedivebc - that is a very impressive Profile. :35: What don't you ask SB management to add the Instructor badge to your posts. It'd be a benefit to SB, anyway.
Don, I'll see about adding the Dive Count field to the profile pages... since I took care of the Dive Info link I'm down to 9,999 things, one more can't hurt ;)

<edit>That was simple enough... the field has been added to the thread templates for those users who have bothered to set their Dive Info.
Tech Admin:
Don, I'll see about adding the Dive Count field to the profile pages... since I took care of the Dive Info link I'm down to 9,999 things, one more can't hurt ;)

<edit>That was simple enough... the field has been added to the thread templates for those users who have bothered to set their Dive Info.

Damn! I love it, I love it, I love it!!

You know, I think this may be a really good idea. I'm not gifted with many a year, but I think this could greatly increase the quality of discussion on SB. Wow. :shocked:
DandyDon BTW:
wedivebc[/B] - that is a very impressive Profile. :35: What don't you ask SB management to add the Instructor badge to your posts. It'd be a benefit to SB, anyway.
I thought the badges where for contributing members....
what do I do to make it happen?
Tech Admin:
Don, I'll see about adding the Dive Count field to the profile pages... since I took care of the Dive Info link I'm down to 9,999 things, one more can't hurt ;)

<edit>That was simple enough... the field has been added to the thread templates for those users who have bothered to set their Dive Info.

You guys rock! The original rant was somewhat tounge in cheek but I really think this is a great thing you've done here. I guess that's why I spend so much time here. My dive tomorrow got cancelled so I will try to lurk some more lest my post count creep up too high ;)
Look at the results of your rant, on one hand we have some great feedback about new divers and why people might post more than they dive and on the other hand we have had a great suggestion and now a feature addition to help sole your original issue... what more could you ask for from a complaint :multi:
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