The following is a brief list of the regularly dived shore dives,comments are mine alone!
Sunset House: Nice enough dive,The Mermaid is cool, Yellow headed Jawfish in the sand/rubble beyond even more so. Don't care too much for the shop or the staff and the tanks (Al 72s) are ridiculous. Very nice open air bar.
Eden Rock/Devils Grotto. Pile of rocks beaten to death by too many divers.Had my worst ever Customer Service at Eden Rock. Closest dives to the Cruise Ship Terminal. Coincidence??
Lighthouse Point. (Divetech) O.K. "mini wall" Awesome "Big Wall" but it's a bit of a swim. Staff are the best.
Turtle Farm (Sundivers) probably the best close in Shore Dive on the Island. Nice features underwater,helpful dive shop,outdoor bar.
Cobalt Coast (Divetech) Great snorkeling. O.K. close in diving. Great diving further out but it's a long swim and this area can be exposed to currents.
Babylon (North East Coast) The best recreational shore dive on Cayman. Remote. Very bad place to get hurt. You would need to get tanks from somewhere (No dive shop anywhere near)
Anchor Point . Similar to Babylon. Jeep recommended unless you want to carry your gear some distance.
Lots of sites I haven't done. Cemetary Beach and Smiths cove are apparently straightforward. Plenty of others that count as adventures!