Although people are arguing about the reason for the closure, the fact that these dive sites have been closed is why we at Undercurrent informed our subscribers, in a brief email, and told them, if it affected them, to contact their dive operator for more information. That is all. Don't shoot the messenger. There is a full article in Undercurrent for October, about to be published any day now.
Undercurrent is not driven by advertising revenue. (... and, yes, I have been to Cozumel many times during the last 30 years. My wife was there recently. Tambien hablo castellano)
Maybe the messenger ought to have his facts a wee bit closer to the truth..
As a paid for service, even a non profit paid for service, I'd hope that you could get closer to the truth.
Dive site maps of park sites are public knowledge, STLCD requires about 60 minutes of your time to get caught up on - seems like you bothered with neither.