Our informants were both at the official meeting and are unimpeachable. In fact, we double-checked the information against the PDF from Aldora Divers too.
I have been diving Cozumel for more than 25 years; how much diving there have you done? I can assure you, despite what your "unimpeachable" informants say, that whatever is causing the blight that is affecting the hard corals in the waters off Cozumel, it isn't due to divers handling, kicking, or rubbing up against them. In all my years of diving there I have never once come into any kind of contact with a brain coral, and I have never seen another diver do it, either. I cannot say that it hasn't ever happened, but to say that all the occurrences of this disease are due to contact with divers is, as charitably as I can put it, ludicrous.