So, John at Undercurrent won't let go, he is like a dog with a bone. However he does not know me. I never let a bone go in my life.....
He claims his reports are from "informants were both at the official meeting and are unimpeachable". Then he says he double checked with Aldora's PDF. (anyone got the PDF?) So
@Dave Dillehay You are in on this as backing them up. And you owe me a margarita....
1. Specifically, Undercurrent states: "White syndrome starts with the coral showing well-defined areas of whitening, which then expand and, apparently spread to all other coral colonies by contact, mainly through divers touching infected coral during dives"
I suggested that there is no science to that. Further I don't believe a direct causal relationship was suggested by Parque Marine. I *think* the Marine Park said divers kick the reef alot, the coral is sick and we need to do something. I don't think they said 'divers are the primary method SCTLD is spread.'
2. Undercurrent states that 'The areas where most diving in Cozumel occurs -- from Palancar Gardens (on Cozumel’s southwest quadrant) to Maracaibo, and Playa Bosh in the extreme south (including dive sites Columbia, Punta Sur, and El Cielo) will be closed'.
I believe those are some signature sites, but I have never seen a shortage of boats on the sites north of there. I think their statement is simple not correct. Beyond the fact El Cielo aint a dive site.... They only list 7 open sites include Barracuda and San Juan. I count at least 15 site still open in the Park alone. And you have to get to the 3rd paragraph to see any park sites are open.
3. Undercurrent states "so government scientists may investigate the causes of ‘white syndrome’ affecting hard corals there and gauge the amounts and effects of pollution discharged by the large hotels that border the marine park."
I know we talked about it, but did the Marine Park lay blame on the hotels like this? I kinda doubt it.
So if you own a dive shop or more importantly were at the Park's meeting, drop John an email at and set him straight.
Sure is the closure sucks and some people won't want to come if they can't hit the signature sites, but there is still lots of diving that can be done.
And lets not pretend that Parque Marine solved SCTLD.
The truth is bad enough without Undercurrent sensationalizing it and making stuff up. Yea, I'm defensive, but most people who come even once to Coz on cruise ship call it 'their island."
I always say:
Of course it has been said about me: