My first trip to Coz was totally a new experience, after diving Florida, North Carolina, California, and some other destinations. I was just there for two or three possible dive days, and the first morning I was told that the port was closed. I wondered what that had to do with me as I was at a southern resort, and they explained no one was allowed out because of north wind and rough seas. I looked at the little whitecaps, talked to some divers from Oregon, and asked them if it ever gets that good there?
Coz is different. Pangas capsize and sink too easily in rough seas, and vacation divers don't handle boarding even in a larger boat that's rocking.
I did a trip to Seattle once, and the other divers were surprised to hear that I came there just to dive. Loved it, but it was certainly different. I remember coming up from my last dive and seeing my boat rotating in the currents.