Thanks for the info... I'll defintatly study it some more.
I guess im in a better position than most because my Asthma has been completly under control for a LONG time now. I also hold a class 2 pilots medical certificate and to get that they put me through nearly $1500 worth of tests and specialist visits (chest x rays + spirometry + others) All at the end for them to say... yep your Asthma is undercontrol.
But anyway... if you can think of anything else that might be if interest please let me know.
I guess im in a better position than most because my Asthma has been completly under control for a LONG time now. I also hold a class 2 pilots medical certificate and to get that they put me through nearly $1500 worth of tests and specialist visits (chest x rays + spirometry + others) All at the end for them to say... yep your Asthma is undercontrol.
But anyway... if you can think of anything else that might be if interest please let me know.