Please get in shape!

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the problem with the film is he took it to extreems..............if yu scuba dived to extreem depth every day would your health be affected? Should we ban SCUBA?

he had a valid point - but made it badly.
the problem with the film is he took it to extreems..............if yu scuba dived to extreem depth every day would your health be affected? Should we ban SCUBA?

he had a valid point - but made it badly.

His point was dramatized of course, yet there are many in the US that do eat fast food every day, three times a day...
Getting back to the point of this whole thread, divers should take it upon themselves to stay in good health and at a decent fitness level. I was reminded of this recently.
I am 39, 6'3 and weigh 245. I used to work out on a regular basis, but like many of us, hours at the job caused me to skip the gym more and more til I canceled my membership and put on 20 lbs. To make a long story short, I was recently diving with a buddy off his boat. The current was stronger than we thought, and upon surfacing at the end of the dive, found ourselves at least 100 yds from the boat. It was 85 to 90 degrees out, and those 15 minutes it took me to swim back to the boat made me realize I NEED TO MAKE TIME TO WORK OUT.
I found a great website to use (, have cut down the portion sizes at meal time, am doing laps in our pool and an hour a night on the exercise bike. Once the weather gets colder I will be getting that gym membership renewed to use their pool and start the weight training again.
Do it for yourself, do it for your family, or do it for your dive buddy. Do you really want to put him in a situation where he has to save your a*s just because you can't say no to that extra doughnut. Make an effort to get in shape. No one is saying you have to have 6 pack abs, just be healthy.
As Dennis Miller once said " that's just my opinion, I may be wrong"
Dive Safe,
to eat. It's only in the last hundred years that we've started eating garbage.
Just do your shopping around the outside lanes in the grocery store. Everything in the inside lanes is all processed garbage, most of which didn't even exist fifty years ago. It's all flavored sugar and/or processed wheat. Junk.
Eat fresh meats, fresh/frozen veggies, salads, whole grains, fruits and nuts, limited amounts of potatoes. Limit your trans fats, eat monunsaturated fats. Olive oil is your friend.

More correctly the average person didn't eat garbage food, the aristocrats did have confections and garbage food, and ate to excess. The poor did not.

Junk food has been around for a long time, and yes there is more of it now than 50 years ago, but don't kid yourself, it was around then as well. GI's have long been known to give candy to kids overseas, almost a tradition. Hook the kids on garbage.

Be careful suggesting salads, iceberg lettuce is garbage food too, there is absolutely no nutritional value in it. You must eat dark greens to get benefit, in fact the dark highly colored foods are generally better for you than light bland colors when it comes to veggies.

Honestly, the best thing a person can do is limit their intake of food. I saw on TV within the last year a company making a diet aid, it was a plate with depressions sized correctly for the food that goes in it, so if you used that as your plate you would eat the proper amounts of food.

As I see it, the major change is that kids are now more game oriented, i.e. the computer type games and not outdoor games like many of us enjoyed. That sets a kid up for failure down the road in life, you do as you were trained to do.
His point was dramatized of course, yet there are many in the US that do eat fast food every day, three times a day...

Personally, I like Tiggs...The devils advocate always keeps things interesting. I also agree that genetics do play a large part in one's over all look. Take me for example. By all rights I should be 5'8" and 300 lbs. I am 34 years old, smoke, eat fast food 2 meals/ day, and no 3rd meal at all. The exercise I get consists of walking 2 flights of stairs for a smoke break, and I have an easy air conditioned job. I look like a soccer player. My 6 pack is intact, I weigh the exact same 140 lbs that I weighed in the 11th grade. I get carded regularly for smokes, and upon rare occasion "R" rated movies. I used to work out obsessively, but that was 8 years ago. I guess some people really do win the lottery, but most lose. I have great strength, but tire quickly, and my cardio vascular system is crap. Getting back into decent shape is now a high priority for me because I want more down time dammit! :)
I guess you really cant judge a book by it's cover.
Personally, I like Tiggs...The devils advocate always keeps things interesting. I also agree that genetics do play a large part in one's over all look. Take me for example. By all rights I should be 5'8" and 300 lbs. I am 34 years old, smoke, eat fast food 2 meals/ day, and no 3rd meal at all. The exercise I get consists of walking 2 flights of stairs for a smoke break, and I have an easy air conditioned job. I look like a soccer player. My 6 pack is intact, I weigh the exact same 140 lbs that I weighed in the 11th grade. I get carded regularly for smokes, and upon rare occasion "R" rated movies. I used to work out obsessively, but that was 8 years ago. I guess some people really do win the lottery, but most lose. I have great strength, but tire quickly, and my cardio vascular system is crap. Getting back into decent shape is now a high priority for me because I want more down time dammit! :)
I guess you really cant judge a book by it's cover.

Count your blessings Ron. I wish I metabolized like I did in the 11th gade! I am 36, 5'9" and weigh 240. I detest fast food joints, stay away from sweets, drink only water, get as much excercise as my busy work day permits. My cardio is ok, but have hight BP due to the extra poundage (controlled perfectly with my meds). Moral to story....I am fat, don't hate me Tigss! :1poke:

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