Please Explain US Societal Priorities?

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I'd also be interested in commentary from those who are nationals of other countries. Do your societies emphasize your entertainment figures the way mine does?

Societies, I don't know. TV here certainly does. For some reason the MTV awards show or the engagement of the 17th in line for the throne merit a two minute item in a news bulletin, though it's kept more or less separate from the "real" news.

But we get your CNN here too, and that's far worse than anything I see on dutch TV. Low information content, endless repetition, and 'celebrities' being treated like their opinions matter ...

Enough of this. Let's dive! :wink:
Unfortunately, modern society has placed "entertainers" such as actors and sports figures on a high pedastal. Looking the other way when they do something wrong and willing to pay high cost to see these bafoons whether in person or on the screen.

What iritates me even more is that because of their "status" they are know it alls that preach their own philosophy and like puppets most people in this country believe their garbage and follow their word.

Parents and our school systems should teach the children who the real heroes of this country are and not give so much credit to the "entertainers".
socal, i think it goes to our values, what we really want, both the
parents and the children...

what we really want is to be filthy rich and be famous and not have to
work and get whatever we want whenever we want and have everyone
oooh and ahhh at us in the street 'cause were all that and then some

that's embodied by the celebrities. that's who we want to be.

so that's whose lives we follow (like Madonna is REALLY qualified to
point the signposts of wisdom to anybody... yeah) and that's
who we love to see...

i think :wink:

but... that said... some of them do try to use that power (and it is
power) for good causes, and do have a sense of obligation to
others... i don't know... i don't know what i'm talking about
Can someone explain this to me? I really don't understand it. I, for one, am really tired of seeing movie stars, sports heros and the like receive such billing in our news and general interest stories and not those like scientists, doctors and others (yes, including politicians... unless they are just a joke themselves) who have made real progress for society as a whole.
It isn't about what you do, its whether you win or lose!

You don't hear much about has-been movie stars, sports heros, or anyone else for that matter.

McCarthy ran for President five times, and lost each time. Plus, he's a Democrat. Ergo, he's an uber-loser.

Pryor might have set his hair on fire while free-basing, but on the whole, he's a winner.

Winners get press.

Losers fade.

Get it? :D
Hmmm... I haven't decided yet whether I'm a winner or a loser. My opinion is really the only one that matters in that case. As for others, my general criterion is whether you are happy with who you are, what you are doing and that what you are doing benefits others in some way.

I'm not rich, wouldn't know how to spend it if I had it (well, except for dive travel). I'm not famous (well a minor local celebrity), but I'm generally quite happy with my life so I guess I am a winner. Yeah, a winner. That's me.
Lenin said the point of revolution was not to bring the Bourgeoisie down to the level of the Proletariat, but to bring the Proletariat up to the level of the Bourgeoisie. What he failed to realize is that when the proletariat have the buying power of the Bourgeoisie, their shear numbers will dictate that their tastes control popular entertainment. That's why Country music stars make more in one night than the annual budget of a symphony orchestra. Never forget that the purpose of commercial media, whether it is TV news, newspapers, radio or website is to sell advertizing space.

That's why I dive, to get away from the mess on dry land.

Since we have often disagreed, you may find it surprising that I agree with you in this matter.

Gene McCarthy was a good man, and a thoughtful person, even as a politician. I did not agree with a lot of his positions, but unlike some of the politicians of today on both sides of the aisle, I could certainly respect him.

It is indeed a shame that his passing was so little noted.
BigJetDriver69- What is this world coming to when we agree? Just teasing. Thanks for weighing in. Yes, there was much to be respected about McCarthy even if you didn't agree with all his positions. He was a person of principle (not to say Pryor wasn't as well).

I'd like to think we all need the presence of real heros in our lives, not just some Hollywood or sports star (even some of my favorites in the former category have seriously disappointed me).
In 1920 H. L. Mencken wrote:

"....As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."

I think they've succeeded! :wink:

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