PLEASE don't rent mopeds...

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Christi, I don't think it's beating a dead horse at all. The sad truth is that alot of people get too carefree and confident while on vacation and take risks they'd never dream of at home. And it's not just in Cozumel. I've seen in vacation destinations all over the world. Getting out of the daily grind at home to a tropical paradise or on a luxury cruise ship seems to effect judgement and provide a false sense of security. I love Mexico and specifically Q.Roo. I've been going to various destinations in the Roo once or twice a year since the late 80's and I've never rented a car, moped, or anything else. I don't mind leaving the driving to locals who know the "rules" and the roads. I drive at home everyday and enjoy not doing it on vacation. And we've been to some great out of the way places and learned neat little facts and cultural tid bits from our cab drivers.
Here's another issue: how many of us wear seat belts when taking a taxi, and are there many taxi crashes? Some of our taxi rides were, not unexpectedly, rather "lively". We were pretty lax in this area ourselves.
I dated a moped once. You know...she was fun to ride, but you sure didnt want your friends to see you on her.
Christi, I don't think it's beating a dead horse at all. The sad truth is that alot of people get too carefree and confident while on vacation and take risks they'd never dream of at home. And it's not just in Cozumel...

Yo tam bien. My dentist, who was also a longtime personal friend, was killed in a moped accident in Mexico a few years ago. In his case, he startled a bird that was on the side of the road, which flew up in front of him. He ran into a tree and was dead at the scene.
Another reason not to rent a moped is the Cozumel taxi drivers like to scare you off the road. They do this on purpose, cutting within an inch of your handle bars or touching them. This has happened to me personally and I saw this again on my last trip there. Guess they want to discourage moped rentals.

We passed the accident only about 45 minutes after it happend. She actually hit a Fiesta Americana Employee bus. Such a sad thing. I tell anyone who goes to Coz not to rent small choppers(mopeds). They are too dangerous especially the way people drive as well as the conditions of the roads as compared to such small wheels/tires on the mopeds. This comes from a 20 year rider of bikes and choppers and I would not ride one there on a bet. You be careful on yours.

Tragedy strikes again with a fatal moped accident involving a tourist.

I don't have all of the details at this point, but so far what I have heard is that she was traveling on the wrong side of the highway, just in front of the Caleta near the Presidente Hotel and was struck by a bus. She was pronounced dead on the scene. this happened between 5:00 and 6:00 pm today.

I know this sounds hypocritical coming from me since I DO own a moped and ride it to and from the office most of the time, but there really is a difference in someone renting a moped and a local who owns and maintains one and who is familiar with the roads, etc.

I BEG you not to rent mopeds while you're here. A car is not that much more and provides much more protection in the unfortunate case you have an accident.

Peace and love!

We passed the accident only about 45 minutes after it happend. She actually hit a Fiesta Americana Employee bus. Such a sad thing. I tell anyone who goes to Coz not to rent small choppers(mopeds). They are too dangerous especially the way people drive as well as the conditions of the roads as compared to such small wheels/tires on the mopeds. This comes from a 20 year rider of bikes and choppers and I would not ride one there on a bet. You be careful on yours.

Hi Mike,

Sorry you had to seee it...or at least the aftermath.

Thanks for the well wishes...but if all goes as planned, i will have my new truck by the end of next week or the following week. Keep your fingers and toes and ears crossed for me :D
We lived in Cozumel for 5 years and "Don't rent mopeds" was always our number one plea to visitors . We saw so many horrible accidents. I copied the top ten list and I'm going to modify it for Roatan because scooters are getting popular here.

While in Cozumel Tim and I owned 6 motorcycles and between us only suffered one broken leg (Tim) and one attempted decapitation, (me), neither accident occured on the road. We trailered our bikes to the track or the quarries. Here I am on the mx track by the GM dealer. We miss our track!! I'll bet it's all grown over by now.

We lived in Cozumel for 5 years and "Don't rent mopeds" was always our number one plea to visitors . We saw so many horrible accidents. I copied the top ten list and I'm going to modify it for Roatan because scooters are getting popular here.

While in Cozumel Tim and I owned 6 motorcycles and between us only suffered one broken leg (Tim) and one attempted decapitation, (me), neither accident occured on the road. We trailered our bikes to the track or the quarries. Here I am on the mx track by the GM dealer. We miss our track!! I'll bet it's all grown over by now.
Jeez Liz... after going through all your photos, it looks like you've led a pretty boring life. :11:

You really should get out and do more.
Jeez Liz... after going through all your photos, it looks like you've led a pretty boring life. :11:

You really should get out and do more.

Jeff, is that you I see flexin' those bi's?...well, with the wife and pups :sleeping_, findin' time to browse threads and stumbled upon a familiar face. We had worked together @ Neo :bash: years ago. Also heading to Coz...June 18th & staying at Presidente...catch ya' deep! :hai:
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