I'm working on that!
Great news about your new ride Christie! We bought a jeep from the dealer in Cancun back in 2000. It's a company car so we paid with a big bag of the boss' cash. Since we didn't know how long we'd be working on this boat we asked them to put the boss' name and the name of the boat on the factura - our mistake. They delivered the jeep to Coz for us but the paperwork didn't show up. When I went back to the dealer they recognized me but didn't want to give me the factura because it wasn't in my name. Then when we tried to register it and get tags in Coz they again wanted the boss to come in with his passport etc. Our friend Raul was with us and he asked them how we could get around this. They said that we needed the boss to sign the back of the factura giving one of us the right. He flipped it over, scribbled and signed and handed it back, "like this?". "Exactly" they said and happily took our money and finished the paperwork.
We thought it would be a huge hassle when two of our friends from Coz drove it down here for us last year, crossing through Belize and Guatemala, into Honduras and putting it on a freighter to Roatan. They had the factura in our boss' name, the registration and insurance in my husbands name, and a letter giving them permission plus a ton of copies. Unbelievably they didn't have problems at any of the borders and said the drive was amazing. One of the guys is going to do the trip again this fall but on his motorcycle.